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Accessing asp objects in delphi

This article demonstrates how to use COM to access ASP objects such as Session. 1. Create a MTS object (look under the Multitier page in File->New...) 2. Name it whatever you like (I called mine TTest) 3. Add a procedure call Tellme (just a test) 4. Register it with MTS (yup .. you guessed it .. look in the menu) 5. Import the "Microsoft Active Server Pages" type library Here is how you get access to the application, session, response, request objects: unit Unit1; interface uses MtsObj, Mtx, ComObj, dasp_TLB, ASPTypeLibrary_TLB, sysutils; type TTTest = class(TMtsAutoObject, ITTest) protected procedure Tellme; safecall; end; implementation uses ComServ; const IID_IGetContextProperties : TGUID = '{51372AF4-CAE7-11CF-BE81-00AA00A2FA25}'; procedure TTTest.Tellme; var vtd : IDispatch; resp : Response; req : Request; ses : ISessionObject; cp : IGetContextProperties; srv : Server; app : IApplicationObject; begin ObjectContext.QueryInterface(IID_IGetContextProperties,cp); IDispatch(cp.GetProperty('Response')).QueryInterface(IID_IResponse,resp); IDispatch(cp.GetProperty('Request')).QueryInterface(IID_IRequest,req); IDispatch(cp.GetProperty('Session')).QueryInterface(IID_ISessionObject,ses); IDispatch(cp.GetProperty('Server')).QueryInterface(IID_IServer,srv); IDispatch(cp.GetProperty('Application')).QueryInterface(IID_IApplicationObject,App); if assigned(resp) and assigned(req) and assigned(ses) and assigned(srv) and assigned(app) then begin resp.Write('Yahoo .. this works .. '); end; end; initialization TAutoObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, TTTest, Class_TTest, ciMultiInstance, tmApartment); end.