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A real singleton class implementation (Part II)

Title: A real singleton class implementation (Part II) Question: How to implement a real singleton class that can have only one instance. Answer: See my previous ID 2311 for the first method. With this second method singleton is totally protected :) Exemple below change the application exception to debug handler. Interface IDebug give access to object specified and created in implementation at startup and deactivate by default. Thanks to Peter Morris ( for the idea ! // ************************************************************************** // * Implementation of a real Delphi singleton object * // * by using interface * // ************************************************************************** unit U_Singleton; interface uses SysUtils; type IDebug = interface(IUnknown) function GetInstance : IDebug; function IsActive : boolean; procedure SetActive(Value : boolean); procedure ShowException(Sender: TObject; E : Exception); end; function GetDebug : IDebug; implementation uses Dialogs, Forms, Classes; type TDebug = class(TObject, IDebug) private FOldHandler : TExceptionEvent; FActive : boolean; private function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): Integer; stdcall; function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall; function _Release: Integer; stdcall; protected procedure HandleException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); virtual; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function GetInstance : IDebug; function IsActive : boolean; procedure SetActive(Value : boolean); procedure ShowException(Sender: TObject; E : Exception); end; var Debug : IDebug; //------------------------------------------ function GetDebug : IDebug; begin result := Debug; end; //------------------------------------------ constructor TDebug.Create; begin // Do what to do end; //------------------------------------------ destructor TDebug.Destroy; begin // Do what to do SetActive(false); inherited; end; //------------------------------------------ function TDebug.GetInstance; begin result := self; end; //------------------------------------------ function TDebug.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): Integer; stdcall; begin end; //------------------------------------------ function TDebug._AddRef: Integer; stdcall; begin end; //------------------------------------------ function TDebug._Release: Integer; stdcall; begin end; //------------------------------------------ procedure TDebug.HandleException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); begin Showexception(Sender, E); end; //------------------------------------------ function TDebug.IsActive : boolean; begin result := FActive; end; //------------------------------------------ procedure TDebug.SetActive(Value : boolean); begin if (FActive = Value) then Exit; case (Value) of True : begin FOldHandler := Application.OnException; Application.OnException := HandleException; end; False : Application.OnException := FOldHandler; end; FActive := Value; end; //------------------------------------------ procedure TDebug.ShowException(Sender: TObject; E : Exception); var s : string; begin if Assigned(Sender) then s := 'Except send by ' + Sender.ClassName + ' : '; MessageDlg(s + E.Message, mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; //------------------------------------------ initialization try Debug := TDebug.Create; except on E : Exception do MessageDlg(E.Message, mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; finalization // Let's cleaning process by Windows... end.