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A real singleton class implementation (Part I)

Title: A real singleton class implementation (Part I) Question: How to implement a real singleton class that can have only one instance. Answer: The rules are : - Only one instance created the thirst time it was used - No possibility of user creation or destruction - Released on application termination - User can't create or destroy it like standard objects The problems are : - You can't put Create and Destroy method in protected or private Why ? Because, user can always use Create and Destroy method ! I think it's a lack in Delphi. Use this class like this : with (TMyStaticClass.GetInstance) do begin SampleProc; a := Data; end; If you want a full clueanup instance for reinitialization, use : TMyStaticClass.LeaveInstance; The next call to TMyStaticClass.GetInstance return the new object. If you yant a persistent object for the life of the application : - Set LeaveInstance to protected (or private...) - Call GetInstance in the initialization part // ************************************************************************** // * Implementation of a real Delphi singleton object * // ************************************************************************** unit Real_Singleton; interface type TMyStaticClass = class(TObject) private FData : integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; class function GetInstance : TMyStaticClass; virtual; class procedure LeaveInstance; virtual; procedure SampleProc; public property Data : integer read FData write FData; end; implementation uses SysUtils; var MyStaticClass : TMyStaticClass; //------------------------------------------ constructor TMyStaticClass.Create; begin raise Exception.Create('Must use GetInstance to get object.') end; //------------------------------------------ destructor TMyStaticClass.Destroy; begin raise Exception.Create('Must use LeaveInstance to release object.') end; //------------------------------------------ class function TMyStaticClass.GetInstance : TMyStaticClass; begin if not Assigned(MyStaticClass) then begin MyStaticClass := NewInstance as TMyStaticClass; // -- Code here to do intialization instance tasks end; result := MyStaticClass; end; //------------------------------------------ class procedure TMyStaticClass.LeaveInstance; begin if not Assigned(MyStaticClass) then Exit; // -- Code here to do cleanup instance tasks MyStaticClass.FreeInstance; MyStaticClass := nil; end; procedure TMyStaticClass.SampleProc; begin // -- Do what you want... end; //------------------------------------------ initialization finalization TMyStaticClass.LeaveInstance; end.