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[d2]-single instance of application

{ > after a bit of thought I created the attached component (4.54K) for > making sure only one instance of an app > is run. > > I have tested this in several apps with absolutely no reocurence. It > just drops on the main form has two properties > > let me know what you think of it. > I had a look at the source code, and had a few comments. I sincerely hope you were looking for constructive criticism :-) If you use a temporary disk file, you run the risk of encountering a situation where you can't start up any instances of the program at all. For example, if the program crashes, the temporary file will remain on the hard disk. Nothing short of deleting the file will allow an instance of the program to run. I suggest you use Semaphores or Mutexes. Here is an example using Mutexes: --------------------------------Cut Here------------------------------- Unit Name: AppInit Purpose: The purpose of this unit is to indicate whether a previous instance of an application is running. Author: Marc Batchelor Date: 06/19/97 Usage: Simply include this unit in your Delphi 16/32 project. From the Project's Initialization, check the variable AppInit.IsFirstInstance. If IsFirstInstance is false, then the application can bring the previous instance in focus and terminate. } unit AppInit; interface var {$IFDEF WIN32} InstanceMutexHandle: THandle = 0; UniqueApplicationString: String; {$ENDIF} IsFirstInstance: Boolean; implementation uses SysUtils, WinProcs, WinTypes, Classes, Forms, dialogs; {$IFDEF WIN32} procedure SetUniqueAppString; var times: Integer; begin { Setup Unique String for the Mutex } UniqueApplicationString := 'APPLICATION-' + Application.ExeName; for times := 1 to Length(UniqueApplicationString) do begin { Mutex names can't have '\' in them, so perform replacement } if UniqueApplicationString[times] = '\' then UniqueApplicationString[times] := '_'; end; { Uppercase the string to prevent case sensitivity problems } UniqueApplicationString := AnsiUppercase(UniqueApplicationString); end; procedure InitInstance; begin { Check to see if the mutex is already there } InstanceMutexHandle := OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, false, pchar(UniqueApplicationString)); if InstanceMutexHandle = 0 then begin { This is the first instance } InstanceMutexHandle := CreateMutex(nil, false, pchar(UniqueApplicationString)); { Error checking to see if anyone beat us... } if InstanceMutexHandle = 0 then IsFirstInstance := false else IsFirstInstance := true; end else IsFirstInstance := false; end; {$ENDIF} initialization {$IFDEF WIN32} IsFirstInstance := false; SetUniqueAppString; InitInstance; finalization if IsFirstInstance then begin CloseHandle(InstanceMutexHandle); InstanceMutexHandle := 0; end; UniqueApplicationString := ''; {$ELSE} IsFirstInstance = (hPrevInst = 0); {$ENDIF} end.