Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Constants

Minsperday - gives the number of minutes in a day

const MinsPerDay = 1440; Description The MinsPerDay constant gives the number of minutes in a day (24 * 60 = 1440). Related commands DaysInAMonth Gives the number of days in a month DaysInAYear Gives the number of days in a year MonthDays Gives the number of days in a month SecsPerDay Gives the number of seconds in a day Example code : Show the number of minutes and seconds in a week begin ShowMessage('Number of minutes in a week = '+IntToStr(MinsPerDay*7)); ShowMessage('Number of seconds in a week = '+IntToStr(SecsPerDay*7)); end; Show full unit code Number of minutes in a week = 10080 Number of seconds in a week = 604800