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Categories / Delphi / Constants

Maxint - the maximum value an integer can have

const MaxInt = High(Integer); Description The MaxInt constant gives the largest allowed value for an Integer. The value is normally (2^32)-1 = 2,147,483,647 but is not guaranteed to be so in all Delphi releases. It is often used when the size of something, such as an array, is unknown. Related commands Integer The basic Integer type MaxLongInt The maximum value an LongInt can have Example code : Copying the trailing characters of a string var Source, Target : string; begin Source := 'Assume that we do not know how long this string is'; // Copy all characters from the 8th onwards Target := Copy(Source, 8, MaxInt); ShowMessage('Source : '+Source); ShowMessage('Target : '+Target); end; Show full unit code Source : Assume that we do not know how long this string is Target : that we do not know how long this string is