Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Constants

Infinity - floating point value of infinite size

const Infinity = 1.0 / 0.0; Description The Infinity constant is a special floating point number, marked as infinite in size. It may be assigned and calculated upon, but use IsInfinite for comparisons. Related commands IsInfinite Checks whether a floating point number is infinite IsNaN Checks to see if a floating point number holds a real number NaN Not a real number Example code : Illustrate use of Infinity var float1, float2 : single; begin float1 := Infinity; float2 := 23; ShowMessage('float1 = '+FloatToStr(float1)); ShowMessage('float2 = '+FloatToStr(float2)); ShowMessage('float1 - float2 = '+FloatToStr(float1 - float2)); ShowMessage('-float1 = '+FloatToStr(-float1)); end; Show full unit code float1 = INF float2 = 23 float1 - float2 = INF -float1 = -INF