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$r - determines whether delphi checks array bounds

1 {$R FileName} 2 {$R-} 3 {$R+} Description The $R compiler directive has two forms. Firstly, it defines a resource file to be compiled. Secondy, it determines whether Delphi should add code for array bounds checking. Version 1 Defines a resource file. refer to $Resource for further information. Versions 2 and 3 This is set off (-) by default, meaning that a bad array access will pass unnoticed, revealing itself in a difficult to debug part of the code. It is recommended to switch on $R in order to detect array bound problems. This will result in the raising of an exception, allowing code testing to correctlt identify the point of failure. Notes $R FileName is equivalent to $Resource FileName. $R- is equivalent to $RangeChecks Off. $R+ is equivalent to $RangeChecks On. It can and should only be set once in your code. The default value is $R-. Related commands $RangeChecks Determines whether Delphi checks array bounds $Resource Defines a resource file to be included in the application linking Array A data type holding indexable collections of data Example code : Trapping array bound problems var myArray : array[1..5] of string; i : Integer; begin // Set range checking on {$R+} // Start array assignment from 0 - normally OK, but our // array starts at 1. for i := 0 to 5 do begin myArray[i] := 'Element '+IntToStr(i); ShowMessage('myArray['+IntToStr(i)+'] = '+myArray[i]); end; end; Show full unit code Delphi throws the ERangeError exception Example code : Ignoring array bounds problems var myArray : array[1..5] of string; i : Integer; begin // Set range checking off {$R-} // Start array assignment from 0 - normally OK, but our // array starts at 1. for i := 0 to 5 do begin myArray[i] := 'Element '+IntToStr(i); ShowMessage('myArray['+IntToStr(i)+'] = '+myArray[i]); end; end; Show full unit code myArray[0] = Element 0 myArray[1] = Element 1 myArray[2] = Element 2 myArray[3] = Element 3 myArray[4] = Element 4 myArray[5] = Element 5