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Categories / Delphi / Compiler Directives

$overflowchecks - determines whether delphi checks integer and enum bounds

1 {$OverFlowChecks Off} 2 {$OverFlowChecks On} Description The $OverFlowChecks compiler directive determines whether Delphi should add code to check for integer and enum operation value overflows. This is set Off by default, meaning that a bad integer or enum operation will pass unnoticed, revealing itself in a difficult to debug part of the code. It is recommended to switch on $OverFlowChecks in order to detect overflows before they cause problems. This will result in the raising of an exception, allowing code testing to correctlt identify the point of failure. Notes $OverFlowChecks is equivalent to $Q. It can and should only be set once in your code. The default value is $OverFlowChecks Off. Related commands $Q Determines whether Delphi checks integer and enum bounds Example code : Trapping overflow values var myNumber : Byte; begin // Set overflow checking on {$OverFlowChecks On} // A byte can hold numbers up to 255 myNumber := 255; ShowMessage('myNumber = '+IntToStr(myNumber)); // But incrementing beyond 255 will throw an exception Inc(myNumber); ShowMessage('myNumber = '+IntToStr(myNumber)); end; Show full unit code myNumber = 255 Delphi throws the EIntOverflow exception Example code : Ignoring overflow values var myNumber : Byte; begin // Set overflow checking off {$OverFlowChecks Off} // A byte can hold numbers up to 255 myNumber := 255; ShowMessage('myNumber = '+IntToStr(myNumber)); // But incrementing beyond 255 will wrap around to 0 Inc(myNumber); ShowMessage('myNumber = '+IntToStr(myNumber)); end; Show full unit code myNumber = 255 nyNumber = 0