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Categories / Delphi / Compiler Directives

$hints - determines whether delphi shows compilation hints

1 {$Hints Off} 2 {$Hints On} Description The $Hints compiler directive determines whether Delphi shows compilation hints or not. Hints are very useful for pointing out potential or real code problems. You should always have hints on, and ideally always change your code so that there are no compilation hints. It is all too easy to see hints as irritations, but they are there for a real purpose. Notes The default value is $Hints On $Hints should be set only once in your code. Related commands $Warnings Determines whether Delphi shows compilation warnings Example code : Give hints for failing to use a variable, and to use an assigned value var i,j : Integer; begin // Set hints on {$Hints On} // Set i to a known value i := 234; end; Show full unit code Hints displayed : [Hint] Unit1.pas(40): Value assigned to 'i' never used [Hint] Unit1.pas(34): Variable 'j' is declared but never used in 'TForm1.FormCreate' Example code : No hints for failing to use a variable, and to use an assigned value var i,j : Integer; begin // Set hints off {$Hints Off} // Set i to a known value i := 234; end; Show full unit code Code gives no hints