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Categories / Delphi / Compiler Directives

$define - defines a compiler directive symbol - as used by ifdef

{$Define Symbol} Description The $Define compiler directive defines a Symbol. By doing so, the symbol is now On. When a symbol is on, $IfDef will compile conditional code, and $IfNDef will not. When a symbol is off, $IfNDef will compile conditional code, and $IfDef will not. Delphi provides some predefined symbols, such as Console that is on for a console application and off for a GUI application. $Define is very useful when developing code, allowing various sections to be compiled when testing. Related commands $Else Starts the alternate section of an IfDef or IfNDef $IfDef Executes code if a conditional symbol has been defined $IfNDef Executes code if a conditional symbol has not been defined $IfOpt Tests for the state of a Compiler directive $IfOpt Tests for the state of a Compiler directive $UnDef Undefines a compiler directive symbol - as used by IfDef Example code : Setting up and using a test mode symbol var text : string; begin // Set our code into test mode {$Define TESTMODE} text := 'We are in test mode'; // Display the value of text if we are in test mode {$IfDef TESTMODE} ShowMessage('text = '+text); {$EndIf} // Switch off test mode {$UnDef TESTMODE} text := 'We are out of test mode'; // Display the value of text if we are in test mode {$IfDef TESTMODE} ShowMessage('text = '+text); {$EndIf} end; We are in test mode