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How to execute stored procedure in client when use MIDAS

Title: How to execute stored procedure in client when use MIDAS Question: Execute stored procedure in client Answer: This article shows you how to execute stored procedure in the client. If your stored procedure returns a dataset, that means you should call Open method of TStoredProc, in this case , just use TDataSetProvider to connect to it. It does very well. If your stored procedure does not return dataset, that means you should call ExecProc method of TStoreProc. The step is: 1 Add a method to your interface procedure ExecProc(Params: Integer); 2 Write the code in the remote data module procedure ExecProc(Params: Integer); begin StoredProc1.ParamByName('@Param').AsInteger := Params; StoredProc1.ExecProc; end; 3 On the client, you can call this procedure to execute procedure DComConnection1.AppServer.ExecProc(1); That is OK. Good luck.