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How do i get the version information for a file

Question: How do I get the version information for a file? Answer: In order to get the file version information for a file you have to make several API calls. Here is an example that checks your version of shell32.dll and returns True if it is greater than or equal to 4.71. function TForm1.CheckShell32Version: Boolean; procedure GetFileVersion(FileName: string; var Major1, Major2, Minor1, Minor2: Integer); { Helper function to get the actual file version information } var Info: Pointer; InfoSize: DWORD; FileInfo: PVSFixedFileInfo; FileInfoSize: DWORD; Tmp: DWORD; begin // Get the size of the FileVersionInformatioin InfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(FileName), Tmp); // If InfoSize = 0, then the file may not exist, or // it may not have file version information in it. if InfoSize = 0 then raise Exception.Create('Can''t get file version information for ' + FileName); // Allocate memory for the file version information GetMem(Info, InfoSize); try // Get the information GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(FileName), 0, InfoSize, Info); // Query the information for the version VerQueryValue(Info, '\', Pointer(FileInfo), FileInfoSize); // Now fill in the version information Major1 := FileInfo.dwFileVersionMS shr 16; Major2 := FileInfo.dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF; Minor1 := FileInfo.dwFileVersionLS shr 16; Minor2 := FileInfo.dwFileVersionLS and $FFFF; finally FreeMem(Info, FileInfoSize); end; end; var tmpBuffer: PChar; Shell32Path: string; VersionMajor: Integer; VersionMinor: Integer; Blank: Integer; begin tmpBuffer := AllocMem(MAX_PATH); // Get the shell32.dll path try GetSystemDirectory(tmpBuffer, MAX_PATH); Shell32Path := tmpBuffer + '\shell32.dll'; finally FreeMem(tmpBuffer); end; // Check to see if it exists if FileExists(Shell32Path) then begin // Get the file version GetFileVersion(Shell32Path, VersionMajor, VersionMinor, Blank, Blank); // Do something, such as require a certain version // (such as greater than 4.71) if (VersionMajor >= 4) and (VersionMinor >= 71) then Result := True else Result := False; end else Result := False; end;