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Getting the filename and path of a local table

Question: How can I get the full filename (including path) of a local table? Answer: The following example was adapted from the BDE32.HLP file, located in the Borland/CommonFiles/BDE directory: implementation {$R *.DFM} uses DbiTypes, DbiProcs; function fDbiFormFullName(Tbl: TTable): String; var Props: CurProps; Buffer1 : array[0..DBIMAXPATHLEN] of char; Buffer2 : array[0..DBIMAXPATHLEN] of char; begin Check(DbiGetCursorProps(Tbl.Handle,Props)); StrPCopy(Buffer1, Tbl.TableName); Check(DbiFormFullName(Tbl.DBHandle, @Buffer1, Props.szTableType, @Buffer2)); Result := StrPas(Buffer2); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Lines.Add(fDbiFormFullName(Table1)); end; Notes: Table_You_Are_Using.Active Must be True. Works on Local Tables.