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Getting modem status under win32

Question: How can I get the modem status under Win32? Answer: The following example demonstrates retrieving the current state of the modem control-register values under Win32. Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var CommPort : string; hCommFile : THandle; ModemStat : DWord; begin CommPort := 'COM2'; {Open the comm port} hCommFile := CreateFile(PChar(CommPort), GENERIC_READ, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if hCommFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin ShowMessage('Unable to open '+ CommPort); exit; end; {Get the Modem Status} if GetCommModemStatus(hCommFile, ModemStat) <> false then begin if ModemStat and MS_CTS_ON <> 0 then ShowMessage('The CTS (clear-to-send) is on.'); if ModemStat and MS_DSR_ON <> 0 then ShowMessage('The DSR (data-set-ready) is on.'); if ModemStat and MS_RING_ON <> 0then ShowMessage('The ring indicator is on.'); if ModemStat and MS_RLSD_ON <> 0 then ShowMessage('The RLSD (receive-line-signal-detect) is on.'); end; {Close the comm port} CloseHandle(hCommFile); end;