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Getting an handle to a window in another application

Question: How do I get the handle of another application's window and make that window the active window? Answer: Using the Windows API function FindWindow() is the simplest and most straightforward method of locating a given window provided you know the exact window caption or class name. If you know only part of the window's caption (ie: 'Netscape - ' + 'Some Unknown URL', you need to use the Windows EnumWindows() function to enumerate all the active windows, then call the Windows API functions GetWindowsText() and GetClassName to see if you find a match for the window that you are searching for. The following example returns the window handle of the first window enumerated that contains a partial match of the window title and an exact match of the window's ClassName (if given) and brings that window to the foreground. type PFindWindowStruct = ^TFindWindowStruct; TFindWindowStruct = record Caption : string; ClassName : string; WindowHandle : THandle; end; function EnumWindowsProc(hWindow : hWnd; lParam : LongInt) : Bool {$IFDEF Win32} stdcall; {$ELSE} ; export; {$ENDIF} var lpBuffer : PChar; WindowCaptionFound : bool; ClassNameFound : bool; begin GetMem(lpBuffer, 255); Result := True; WindowCaptionFound := False; ClassNameFound := False; try if GetWindowText(hWindow, lpBuffer, 255) > 0 then if Pos(PFindWindowStruct(lParam).Caption, StrPas(lpBuffer)) > 0 then WindowCaptionFound := true; if PFindWindowStruct(lParam).ClassName = '' then ClassNameFound := True else if GetClassName(hWindow, lpBuffer, 255) > 0 then if Pos(PFindWindowStruct(lParam).ClassName, StrPas(lpBuffer)) > 0 then ClassNameFound := True; if (WindowCaptionFound and ClassNameFound) then begin PFindWindowStruct(lParam).WindowHandle := hWindow; Result := False; end; finally FreeMem(lpBuffer, sizeof(lpBuffer^)); end; end; function FindAWindow(Caption : string; ClassName : string) : THandle; var WindowInfo : TFindWindowStruct; begin with WindowInfo do begin Caption := Caption; ClassName := ClassName; WindowHandle := 0; EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, LongInt(@WindowInfo)); FindAWindow := WindowHandle; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var TheWindowHandle : THandle; begin TheWindowHandle := FindAWindow('Netscape - ', ''); if TheWindowHandle = 0 then ShowMessage('Window Not Found!') else BringWindowToTop(TheWindowHandle); end;