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Determine the last access time of a given file

Question: How can I determine the last access time of a given file? Answer: The following example demonstrates retrieving the last date and time a given file was accessed. Note: Not all file systems support the last access time. Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SearchRec : TSearchRec; Success : integer; DT : TFileTime; ST : TSystemTime; begin Success := SysUtils.FindFirst('C:\autoexec.bat', faAnyFile, SearchRec); if (Success = 0) and (( SearchRec.FindData.ftLastAccessTime.dwLowDateTime <> 0) or ( SearchRec.FindData.ftLastAccessTime.dwHighDateTime <> 0)) then begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime(SearchRec.FindData.ftLastAccessTime,DT); FileTimeToSystemTime(DT,ST); Memo1.Lines.Clear; Memo1.Lines.Add('AutoExec.Bat was last accessed at:'); Memo1.Lines.Add('Year := ' + IntToStr(st.wYear)); Memo1.Lines.Add('Month := ' + IntToStr(st.wMonth)); Memo1.Lines.Add('DayOfWeek := ' + IntToStr(st.wDayOfWeek)); Memo1.Lines.Add('Day := ' + IntToStr(st.wDay)); Memo1.Lines.Add('Hour := ' + IntToStr(st.wHour)); Memo1.Lines.Add('Minute := ' + IntToStr(st.wMinute)); Memo1.Lines.Add('Second := ' + IntToStr(st.wSecond)); Memo1.Lines.Add('Milliseconds := ' + IntToStr(st.wMilliseconds)); end; SysUtils.FindClose(SearchRec); end;