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Yüksek çözünürlüklü timer

//Kaynak : UDDF - Unoffical Delphi Developers FAQ { A High Resolution timer for Most Win95 Systems From: (John_Mertus) File Name: HRTimer.PAS V1.00 Created: Apr 17 1997, 06:40 on the ThinkPAd by John Mertus Revision #6: Oct 12 1997, 10:56 on the Gateway by John Mertus Var HRT : THRTimer HRT := THRTimer.Create; HRT.StartTimer; Resets the timer to zero HRT.ReadTimer; Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds since the time start HRT.Free; Edit history Version 1.00 Initial release } {------------------Unit HRTimer---------------------John Mertus April 97---} Unit HRTimer; {--------------------Interface-------------------------------} interface Uses Windows; Type THRTimer = Class(TObject) Constructor Create; Function StartTimer : Boolean; Function ReadTimer : Double; private StartTime : Double; ClockRate : Double; public Exists : Boolean; End; {------------------------Implementation---------------------------------} implementation {------------------Create-------------------------John Mertus----Mar 97-} Constructor THRTimer.Create; { This reads the windows HR time and stores it for later use. } { } {*************************************************************************} Var QW : TLargeInteger; BEGIN Inherited Create; Exists := QueryPerformanceFrequency(QW); ClockRate := QW.QuadPart; END; {------------------StartTimer---------------------John Mertus----Mar 97-} Function THRTimer.StartTimer : Boolean; { This reads the windows HR time and stores it for later use. } { } {*************************************************************************} Var QW : TLargeInteger; BEGIN Result := QueryPerformanceCounter(QW); StartTime := QW.QuadPart; END; {-------------------ReadTimer---------------------John Mertus----Mar 97---} Function THRTimer.ReadTimer : Double; { This reads the windows HR time and stores it for later use. } { } {*************************************************************************} Var ET : TLargeInteger; BEGIN QueryPerformanceCounter(ET); Result := 1000.0*(ET.QuadPart - StartTime)/ClockRate; END; end.