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WL Encryption

Title: WL Encryption Question: This is a MUCH better and enhanced encryption than my previous encryption. After much thinking and studying, I can up with this encryption. Answer: This is a MUCH better and enhanced encryption than my previous encryption. After much thinking and studying, I can up with this encryption. This does not use any sort of "xor", "and", or "or" bit encryption. I appologize for not commenting the code, but it should be pretty self explanitory! On the web site with the code, the code is in a WinRAR Executable file to extract the code. Feel free to do virus scanning, but I assure you there is none! --------------------------------------------------------------- To initialize the code, run this procedure (preferably at creation) InitTable; Sometimes the encryption and decryption fails, so here is my code for those! procedure TForm1.DoEncrypt(Sender: TObject); var i : longint; d : longint; Tmp : string; Tmp2: string; Text: string; Quit: boolean; Fini: boolean; begin d := 0; Text := Memo1.Lines.Text; repeat d := d + 1; Memo1.Lines.Text := Text; Fini := True; repeat Quit := False; Tmp := WLEnc(Memo1.Lines.Text, Edit1.Text); Edit2.Text := IntToStr(RevCode); Tmp2:= WLDec(Tmp, Edit1.Text, StrToInt(Edit2.Text)); Edit2.Text := IntToStr(RevCode); if Tmp2 = Memo1.Lines.Text then if RevCode 0 then Quit := True; until Quit = True; i := 0; repeat Memo1.Lines.Text := Tmp; i := i + 1; until (Memo1.Lines.Text = Tmp) or (i 2); if (i 2) and (Memo1.Lines.Text Tmp) then Fini := False; until (Fini = True) or (d = 100); if d = 100 then begin Memo1.Lines.Text := Text; Application.MessageBox('Sorry, but this text has been tried 100 times unsuccesfully! Quiting!', 'Sorry', MB_OK); end; end; procedure TForm1.DoDecrypt(Sender: TObject); begin RevCode := StrToInt(Edit2.Text); Memo1.Lines.Text := WLDec(Memo1.Lines.Text, Edit1.Text, StrToInt(Edit2.Text)); end; --------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------- const WLEncTable = 'bcAIXMiperlNWqJdQzmoHUOkjxPZDfKTYSEnsVCGuaghvBtyLRFw'; WLEncTable2= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var RevCode : longint; WLTable : Array[1..52] of integer; function DecimDec(Code : string) : char; var CodeL : longint; CodeL2: longint; begin CodeL2 := StrToInt(Code); CodeL := StrToInt(RmDec(IntToStr(CodeL2 * 2 div 3 * 4 * 2))); DecimDec:= IntToStr(CodeL)[1]; end; function DoubleProcess(Code : string) : string; var i : longint; Final : string; begin for i := 1 to Length(Code) do Final := Final + Code[i] + IntToStr(Ord(Code[i]))[2]; DoubleProcess := Final; end; function InitiateTEC(Code : longint) : longint; var i : longint; CodeS : string; Final : string; begin CodeS := IntToStr(Code); for i := 1 to Length(CodeS) do Final := Final + DecimDec(CodeS[i]); InitiateTEC := StrToInt(Final); end; function RmDec(What : string) : string; var i : longint; d : longint; What2 : string; begin What2 := What; for i := 1 to Length(What) do if What[i] = '.' then for d := 1 to Length(What) do if d i then What2 := What2 + What[i]; RmDec := What; end; function TECStart(Code : string; Length1 : integer) : string; var i : longint; CodeL : longint; CodeS : string; Final : string; begin for i := 1 to Length(Code) do begin CodeL := StrToInt(IntToStr(Ord(Code[i]))[2]); CodeS := IntToStr(InitiateTEC(CodeL)); CodeS := DoubleProcess(CodeS); Final := Final + TrimTEC(CodeS); end; TECStart := Final; end; function TrimTEC(Code : string) : string; var i : longint; begin i := Length(Code); if i mod 2 0 then i := i + 1; if (i = 2) or (i = 1) then TrimTEC := Code else TrimTEC := Code[i div 2] + Code[(i div 2) + 1]; end; function WLDec(Text : string; Password : string; TECLength : longint) : string; var d : longint; e : longint; f : longint; g : longint; i : longint; Tmp : string; Tmp2 : longint; Orig : string; Pw1TEC : string; Password2 : string; TextLength : longint; TextLength2 : string; begin Tmp2 := 0; Orig := Text; Password := FixPassword(Password); Password2:= InitPwTable(Password); Pw1TEC := IntToStr(TECLength) + TECStart(Password, TECLength); TextLength := Length(Text); TextLength2:= IntToStr(TextLength); TextLength := 0; d := 0; for i := 1 to Length(TextLength2) do begin d := d + 1; if d Length(Password) then d := 1; TextLength := TextLength + StrToInt(TextLength2[i]) + StrToInt(TECStart(Password[d], 7)); end; TextLength2 := IntToStr(TextLength) + IntToStr(TECLength); for i := 1 to length(Password) do begin if i mod 2 = 0 then Tmp2 := Tmp2 + Ord(Password[i]) else Tmp2 := Tmp2 - Ord(Password[i]); end; if Tmp2 if Tmp2 = 0 then Tmp2 := StrToInt(TECStart(Password, 1)); d := 0; e := 0; f := 0; g := 0; Form1.Caption := 'WL Encryption'; for i := 1 to Length(Text) do begin d := d + 1; e := e + 1; f := f + 1; g := g + 1; if d Length(Pw1TEC) then d := 1; if e Length(Password) then e := 1; if f Length(TextLength2) then f := 1; if g Length(Password2) then g := 1; Tmp := Tmp + Chr(Ord(Text[i]) - StrToInt(Pw1TEC[d]) + Tmp2 + Ord(Password[e]) - StrToInt(TextLength2[f]) - Ord(Password2[g])); end; WLDec := Tmp; end; function WLEnc(Text : string; Password : string) : string; var d : longint; e : longint; f : longint; g : longint; i : longint; Tmp : string; Tmp2 : longint; Orig : string; Pw1TEC : string; Password2 : string; TECLength : longint; TextLength : longint; TextLength2 : string; begin Orig := Text; Tmp2 := 0; TECLength := StrToInt(TECStart(Password, 10)[2]) + StrToInt(TECStart(Password, 10)[1]); Randomize; RevCode := TECLength * ((2 * 4 * 3 + 4) - (Random(90) + 1)) * 10 * 2; if RevCode if Form1.CheckBox2.Checked = True then RevCode := StrToInt(Form1.Edit2.Text); Password := FixPassword(Password); Password2:= InitPwTable(Password); Pw1TEC := IntToStr(RevCode) + TECStart(Password, TECLength); TextLength := Length(Text); TextLength2:= IntToStr(TextLength); TextLength := 0; d := 0; for i := 1 to Length(TextLength2) do begin d := d + 1; if d Length(Password) then d := 1; TextLength := TextLength + StrToInt(TextLength2[i]) + StrToInt(TECStart(Password[d], 7)); end; TextLength2 := IntToStr(TextLength) + IntToStr(RevCode); for i := 1 to Length(Password) do begin if i mod 2 = 0 then Tmp2 := Tmp2 + Ord(Password[i]) else Tmp2 := Tmp2 - Ord(Password[i]); end; if Tmp2 if Tmp2 = 0 then Tmp2 := StrToInt(TECStart(Password, 1)); d := 0; e := 0; f := 0; g := 0; Form1.Caption := 'WL Encryption'; for i := 1 to Length(Text) do begin d := d + 1; e := e + 1; f := f + 1; g := g + 1; if d Length(Pw1TEC) then d := 1; if e Length(Password) then e := 1; if f Length(TextLength2) then f := 1; if g Length(Password2) then g := 1; Tmp := Tmp + Chr(Ord(Text[i]) + StrToInt(Pw1TEC[d]) - Tmp2 - Ord(Password[e]) + StrToInt(TextLength2[f]) + Ord(Password2[g])); end; WLEnc := Tmp; end; function FixPassword(Password : string) : string; var i : longint; Password2 : string; begin for i := 1 to Length(Password) do begin if (Ord(Password[i]) 64) and (Ord(Password[i]) Password2 := Password2 + Password[i]; if (Ord(Password[i]) 96) and (Ord(Password[i]) Password2 := Password2 + Password[i]; end; FixPassword := Password2; end; function InitPwTable(Password : string) : string; var i : longint; Password2 : string; begin for i := 1 to Length(Password) do Password2 := Password2 + WLEncTable[WLTable[Process(Password[i])]]; InitPwTable := Password2; end; procedure InitTable; var i : longint; begin for i := 1 to 52 do WLTable[i] := InStr(1, WLEncTable2, WLEncTable[i]); //?? end; function InStr(sStart: integer; const sData: string; const sFind: string): integer; var c: integer; label SkipFind; begin c := sStart - 1; repeat if c length(sData) then begin c := 0; goto SkipFind; end; inc(c); until copy(sData, c, length(sFind)) = sFind; SkipFind: Result := c; end; function Process(Tmp : char) : integer; begin if (Ord(Tmp) 64) and (Ord(Tmp) Process := Ord(Tmp) - 64 else Process := Ord(Tmp) - 96; end;