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Categories / Delphi / Algorithm Math

Use TTime with over 24 hours

Title: use TTime with over 24 hours? function TextToTime(S: string): Integer; var p, i: Integer; Sh, Sm, Ss: string; begin Sh := ''; SM := ''; SS := ''; i := 1; p := 0; while i do begin if (s[i] ':') then begin case P of 0: SH := Sh + s[i]; 1: SM := SM + S[i]; 2: SS := SS + S[i]; end; end else Inc(p); Inc(i); end; try Result := (StrToInt(SH) * 3600) + (StrToInt(SM) * 60) + (StrToInt(SS)) except Result := 0; end; end; function TimeToText(T: Integer): string; var H, M, S: string; ZH, ZM, ZS: Integer; begin ZH := T div 3600; ZM := T div 60 - ZH * 60; ZS := T - (ZH * 3600 + ZM * 60); if ZH then H := '0' + IntToStr(ZH) else H := IntToStr(ZH); if ZM then M := '0' + IntToStr(ZM) else M := IntToStr(ZM); if ZS then S := '0' + IntToStr(ZS) else S := IntToStr(ZS); Result := H + ':' + M + ':' + S; end;