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Use DynArrayFromVariant

Title: use DynArrayFromVariant? procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); type T2DIntArray = array of array of Integer; var DynArray: T2DIntArray; V: Variant; i, k: Integer; begin V := VarArrayCreate([0, 1, 0, 1], varInteger); V[0, 0] := 00; V[0, 1] := 01; V[1, 0] := 10; V[1, 1] := 11; DynArrayFromVariant(Pointer(Dynarray), V, TypeInfo(T2DIntArray)); for i := 0 to High(Dynarray) do for k := 0 to High(Dynarray[i]) do memo1.Lines.add(IntToStr(DynArray[i, k])); end; { The problem with DynArrayFromVariant is that you can only use it on variant arrays with 0-based indexes, trying to use it on an array with 1 as lower bound blows up. Since the documentation is silent on that i would consider it a bug. }