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Simulation of clu iterators

C) Jasper Neumann, June of 2003 Simulation of CLU iterators for Delphi and Kylix (16 and 32 bit) *** Motivation Delegation of extensive loop constructions as one procedure call. One should not be forced to repeat them again and again. Simulation of CLU iterators. *** Application Loop through containers (lists, trees, parameters, directories, registry, etc.). "Frame routines", e.g. for locking purposes. *** Semantic Principely the iterator (iterator_proc) is called, which on its part calls the loop body (iterator_body) on each yield. The loop body and its scope are transferred as hidden parameters (return_addr, ebp). To let this work correctly some tricks are necessary resulting in some restrictions, but they can be circumvented by the formalisms decsribed below. The iterator communicates with the loop body via reference parameters. *** Application of an iterator iterator_proc(...); iterate; while iterating do begin iterator_body; end; *** Definition of an iterator procedure iterator_proc(...); var i_base: t_iterator_base; procedure sub_iter; begin ... yield(i_base); ... end; begin iterator_start(i_base); sub_iter; iterator_stop(i_base); end; *** Aborting an iterator try iterator_proc(...); iterate; while iterating do begin ... if necessary then raise ...; (* signal break via exception *) ... end; except ... (* catch the break exception *) end; It makes sense to circumvent the try..finally construction by setting a boolean reference variable _break to true: iterator_proc(...,_break); iterate; while iterating do begin ... if necessary then _break:=true else begin ... end; end; procedure iterator_proc(...; var _break:boolean); var i_base: t_iterator_base; procedure sub_iter; begin _break:=false; ... yield(i_base); if _break then EXIT; ... end; begin iterator_start(i_base); sub_iter; iterator_stop(i_base); end; *** Remarks 1. The iterator (iterator_proc) must be a procedure or method. 2. Calling convention of the iterator <> cdecl. 3. Iterators must be FAR (this is always the case in 32-bit-code). 4. It is forbidden to have parameters that must be copied by preamble of the iterator (string/set/object/record/array), they must therefore be transferred via reference (const) (ebx, esi, edi must be preserved by the iterator preamble). 5. Exceptions from the loop body must not be ignored by the iterator, because otherwise the register variables of the loop body (and the surrounding code) will possibly be destroyed. 6. An iterator loop may only be aborted with an exception but never with GOTO/EXIT/BREAK. 7. Constant referenz parameter which will be read after yield by the iterator (e.g. strings) should be copied first into local copies by sub_iter because they might become invalid after the yield (e.g. when calling with string expressions). 8. The iterator should obey strongly the formalism mentioned above, that means all actions should occur in sub_iter. 9. The compiler option $w+ (Stack frames on) should be set globally (the addressing in the loop body must not be esc relative). - You may apply iterators recursively, i.e. you may nest iterator loops. sub_iter may call itself directly or indirectly. Iterators may use iterators; the yield may be executed in other procedures. - The traditional way (e.g. C++ STL) uses an object with up to 6 methods (create, init, eof, value, step, free); in contrast to this with our solution you cannot run two iterators simultaneously (in one thread) to e.g. compare two lists but it is much easier to make the program correct. No space on the heap is necessary. - Since Delphi does not support local procedures (iterator_body) as parameters at all or incompletely (no scope), this implementation could not be chosen. By the way: In qgrids.pas the method TSparsePointerArray.ForAll and in TVision's TCollection.ForEach and TCollection.FirstThat such iterators were already simulated, however there were severe limitations in application. *** Example (result: '1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 ') (*$w+*) uses iterator; type tn_set=byte; tsn_set=set of tn_set; procedure for_in(var i:byte; const s:tsn_set); FAR; (* => 3., 4. *) var i_base: t_iterator_base; procedure sub_iter; var j: tn_set; ss: tsn_set; begin ss:=s; (* Local copy, => 7. *) for j:=0 to 255 do begin if j in ss then begin i:=j; YIELD(i_base); end; end; end; begin (* for_in *) iterator_start(i_base); sub_iter; iterator_stop(i_base); end; var q: tn_set; begin for_in(q, [1..3, 7..10]); ITERATE; while ITERATING do begin write(q,' '); end; end. *** References c't 1994/10, page 244 *** License Hereby I grant these programming sniplets to the public domain. Of course I cannot take any responsibility for it. If need be, send me hints, questions, or remarks. Please send me a nice postcard if you could make any use of it. Thanks a lot! Jasper Neumann Schoenauer Friede 78 D-52072 Aachen Germany ****************************** CODE MAIN UNIT ********************** (*$ifdef ver80 *) (*$define _16 *) (* 16 bit Delphi *) (*$else *) (*$define _32 *) (* 32 bit Delphi *) (*$w+*) (* Generate stack frame (necessary for iterators) *) (*$endif *) (* (C) Jasper Neumann *) (* Simulation of iterators as in the programming language CLU *) unit iterator; interface (*$ifdef _16 *) type t_iterator_base=record _bp: word; _call: pointer; end; (*$else *) type t_iterator_base=record _ebx: longint; _esi: longint; _edi: longint; _ebp: longint; _call: pointer; end; (*$endif *) procedure iterate; (*$ifdef _16 *) inline( $b0/$00 (* mov al,false *) /$eb/$03 (* jmp short goon *) ); (*$endif *) function iterating:boolean; (*$ifdef _16 *) inline( $cb (* retf *) /$b0/$01 (* loop: mov al,true *) ); (* goon: *) (*$endif *) procedure iterator_start(var base:t_iterator_base); (*$ifdef _16 *) inline( $5F (* pop di *) /$07 (* pop es *) /$8b/$5E/$00 (* mov bx,[bp] // org bp *) /$26/$89/$1D (* mov es:[di+t_iterator_base._bp],bx *) /$8b/$5E/$02 (* mov bx,[bp+02] // ret-adr ofs *) /$83/$C3/$05 (* add bx,5 // Einspringpunkt *) /$26/$89/$5D/$02 (* mov word ptr es:[di+t_iterator_base._call],bx *) /$8b/$5E/$04 (* mov bx,[bp+04] // ret-adr seg *) /$26/$89/$5D/$04 (* mov word ptr es:[di+t_iterator_base._call+2],bx *) ); (*$endif *) procedure iterator_stop(const base:t_iterator_base); (*$ifdef _16 *) inline( (* kill argument *) $5B (* pop bx *) /$07 (* pop es *) ); (*$endif *) procedure YIELD(const base:t_iterator_base); (*$ifdef _16 *) inline( $5B (* pop bx *) /$07 (* pop es *) /$55 (* push bp *) /$26/$8b/$2f (* mov bp,es:[bx+t_iterator_base._bp] *) /$26/$ff/$5f/$02 (* call far es:[bx+t_iterator_base._call] *) /$5D (* pop bp *) ); (*$endif *) implementation (*$ifdef _32 *) const mask_near_jmp=$fffc0000; (* mask for maximum near jmp *) procedure raise_tch(p:pointer); begin asm int 3 end; (* This must not happen! *) (* Raise an exception here if you want to: Illegal code at p *) end; procedure iterate; { assembler; } asm pop eax (* Fetch return address *) mov dl,[eax] mov ecx,[eax+1] cmp dl,$eb (* Jmp short? *) je @@short cmp dl,$e9 (* Jmp near? *) je @@near cmp dl,$e8 (* Call iterating? *) je @@call cmp dl,$cc (* Breakpoint? *) je @@break call RAISE_TCH (* No? This MUST NOT happen! *) @@sleuth_err: call RAISE_TCH @@break: (* A breakpoint detected... *) int 3 (* ...let us step through. *) mov edx,ecx add edx,eax cmp edx,offset iterating-5 je @@call1 (* Probably call *) mov edx,ecx and edx,mask_near_jmp jz @@near (* Probably near *) jmp @@short (* No? Ought to be short *) @@call: mov edx,ecx add edx,eax cmp edx,offset iterating-5 je @@call1 call RAISE_TCH (* No JMP? This MUST NOT happen! *) @@call1: add eax,5 (* Skip the JMP near *) jmp @@go_on @@near: lea eax,[eax+ecx+5+5] (* Skip the JMP near and the call of iterate *) jmp @@go_on @@short: movsx ecx,cl lea eax,[eax+ecx+2+5] (* Skip the JMP short and the call of iterate *) @@go_on: (* Sleuth fixup :*) cmp byte ptr [eax-5],$9c (* Sleuth? *) jne @@normal cmp word ptr [eax-5+1],$be60 jne @@sleuth_err cmp word ptr [eax-5+7],$15ff jne @@sleuth_err cmp word ptr [eax-5+13],$9D61 jne @@sleuth_err add eax,15 @@normal: push eax mov al,false (* Yield false to while *) end; function iterating:boolean; { assembler; } asm pop eax (* Pop the return address and return to YIELD *) end; procedure iterator_start(var base:t_iterator_base); (* eax: @base *) asm mov edx,[ebp] (* Fetch saved ebp of iterator *) mov [eax].t_iterator_base._ebx,ebx mov [eax].t_iterator_base._esi,esi mov [eax].t_iterator_base._edi,edi mov [eax].t_iterator_base._ebp,edx mov edx,[ebp+4] (* Fetch return address of iterator *) (* Stack frames are needed for the iterator ($w+ !) *) (* Sleuth fixup :*) cmp byte ptr [edx],$9c (* Sleuth? *) jne @@normal cmp word ptr [edx+1],$be60 jne @@sleuth_err cmp word ptr [edx+7],$15ff jne @@sleuth_err cmp word ptr [edx+13],$9D61 jne @@sleuth_err add edx,15 @@normal: add edx,5 (* Skip the call of iterate *) mov cl,[edx] cmp cl,$eb (* Jmp short? *) je @@short cmp cl,$e9 (* Jmp dword? *) je @@near cmp cl,$e8 (* Call iterating? *) je @@call cmp cl,$cc (* Breakpoint? *) je @@break mov eax,edx call RAISE_TCH (* No? This MUST NOT happen! *) @@sleuth_err: mov eax,edx call RAISE_TCH @@break: (* A breakpoint detected... *) int 3 (* ...let us step through. *) mov ecx,[edx+1] add ecx,edx cmp ecx,offset iterating-5 je @@go_on (* Probably call *) mov ecx,[edx+1] and ecx,mask_near_jmp jz @@near (* Probably near *) jmp @@short (* No? Ought to be short *) @@call: mov ecx,[edx+1] add ecx,edx cmp ecx,offset iterating-5 je @@go_on mov eax,edx call RAISE_TCH (* No JMP? This MUST NOT happen! *) @@near: add edx,3 (* Skip the JMP near (+2) *) @@short: add edx,2 (* Skip the JMP short *) @@go_on: mov [eax].t_iterator_base._call,edx end; procedure iterator_stop(const base:t_iterator_base); (* eax: @base *) asm mov ebx,[eax].t_iterator_base._ebx mov esi,[eax].t_iterator_base._esi mov edi,[eax].t_iterator_base._edi { mov ebp,[eax].t_iterator_base._ebp } end; procedure YIELD(const base:t_iterator_base); (* eax: @base *) asm push ebx push esi push edi push ebp mov ebx,[eax].t_iterator_base._ebx mov esi,[eax].t_iterator_base._esi mov edi,[eax].t_iterator_base._edi mov ebp,[eax].t_iterator_base._ebp push eax call [eax].t_iterator_base._call pop eax mov [eax].t_iterator_base._edi,edi mov [eax].t_iterator_base._esi,esi mov [eax].t_iterator_base._ebx,ebx pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx end; (*$endif *) end. ************************* Sample Program ****************************** (*$ifdef ver80 *) (*$define _16 *) (* 16 bit Delphi *) (*$else *) (*$define _32 *) (* 32 bit Delphi *) (*$w+*) (* Generate stack frame (necessary for iterators) *) (*$endif *) (* (C) Jasper Neumann *) program itertest; (* Example: Meet all members of a set (resulting in 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 ) *) uses iterator; type tn_set=byte; tsn_set=set of tn_set; procedure for_in(var i:tn_set; const s:tsn_set); FAR; var i_base: t_iterator_base; (* No other variables here *) procedure sub_iter; (* All the iterator stuff is managed here *) var j: tn_set; ss: tsn_set; begin (* Be sure that all const ref parameters get their local copy *) (* if they are used after YIELD! *) ss:=s; for j:=low(tn_set) to high(tn_set) do begin if j in ss then begin i:=j; YIELD(i_base); end; end; end; begin (* Every iterator should look like this; no further action here! *) iterator_start(i_base); sub_iter; iterator_stop(i_base); end; var q: tn_set; begin for_in(q, [1..5, 7..10]); ITERATE; while ITERATING do begin SYSTEM.write(q,' '); end; end.