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Simple But Powerful Encryption

Title: Simple But Powerful Encryption Question: How do I make a simple encryption with a password? Answer: It's actually quite simple. Use the ORD function to get the ASCII code of a character and put it into a loop. Then you take the ASCII of their text and mix the 2. It is a little advanced but works quite well! Here is an example (where Memo1 is the main text box and Edit1 is the password): { Needed functions imported from Visual Basic } function VBRight(Str: string; Val: integer): string; {Get certain amount of characters at the right of the string} function FSI(N: Longint; W: byte): string; {Turns Longint to string} function VBMid(Str: string; Start, Len: integer): string; {Finds a character somewhere in the middle of a string} function Replace(const sData: string; const sFind: String; const sReplace: string): string; {Replaces something in a string to something else} function InStr(sStart: integer; const sData: string; const sFind: string): integer; {Checks if something is in the string} function mid(const sData: string; nStart: integer): string; overload; {Same as VBMid but with different paramaters} {Some variables} var Form1: TForm1; Tmp : string; Tmp2 : string; Tmp3 : integer; Tmp4 : integer; Tmp5 : integer; Tmp6 : string; {The functions from above} function mid(const sData: string; nStart: integer; nLength: integer): string; overload; begin Result := copy(sData, nStart, nLength); end; function mid(const sData: string; nStart: integer): string; overload; begin Result := copy(sData, nStart, Length(sData) - (nStart - 1)); end; function InStr(sStart: integer; const sData: string; const sFind: string): integer; var c: integer; label SkipFind; begin c := sStart - 1; repeat if c length(sData) then begin c := 0; goto SkipFind; end; inc(c); until copy(sData, c, length(sFind)) = sFind; SkipFind: Result := c; end; function Replace(const sData: string; const sFind: String; const sReplace: string): string; var c: integer; sTemp, sTemp2: string; begin sTemp := sData; c := InStr(1, sTemp, sFind); while c 0 do begin sTemp2 := copy(sTemp, 1, c - 1) + sReplace + Mid(sTemp, c + length(sFind)); sTemp := sTemp2; c := InStr(c + length(sReplace), sTemp, sFind); end; Result := sTemp; end; function VBRight(Str: string; Val: integer): string; begin VBRight := Copy(Str, Length(Str)-Val+1, Val); end; function VBMid(Str: string; Start, Len: integer): string; begin VBMid:= Copy(Str, Start, Len); end; function FSI(N: Longint; W: byte): string; var S : string; begin Str(N, S); FSI := S; end; //Main encryption : Goes into a button procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ln : integer; whr : integer; Label FoundIt; begin Tmp := ''; Tmp2 := ''; whr := 0; If Instr(1, Memo1.Text, '&%&') 0 Then begin Application.MessageBox('You must not have the string "&%&" in your text!','Error',MB_OK); GoTo FoundIt; end; Memo1.Text := Replace(Memo1.Text, #13#10, '&%&'); If Length(Edit1.Text) = Length(Memo1.Text) Then begin Edit1.Text := VBRight(Edit1.Text, Length(Memo1.Text)-1) end; try For ln := 1 To Length(Memo1.Text) do begin whr := whr + 1; If whr Length(Edit1.Text) Then whr := 1; Tmp3 := Ord(Memo1.Text[ln]); Tmp4 := -1; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '0' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '1' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '2' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '3' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '4' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '5' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '6' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '7' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '8' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '9' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Tmp4 = -1 Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(VBRight(FSI(Ord(Edit1.Text[whr]),0),1)); Tmp := Tmp + Chr(Tmp3-Tmp4); end; Memo1.Text := Tmp except MessageDlg('An error has occured! If it continues, please contact me at!', mtError, [mbOk], 0); end; FoundIt: end; //And the main decryption procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var ln : integer; whr : integer; begin Tmp := ''; Tmp2 := ''; whr := 0; If Length(Edit1.Text) = Length(Memo1.Text) Then begin Edit1.Text := VBRight(Edit1.Text, Length(Memo1.Text)-1) end; try If Length(Edit1.Text) For ln := 1 To Length(Memo1.Text) do begin whr := whr + 1; If whr Length(Edit1.Text) Then whr := 1; Tmp3 := Ord(Memo1.Text[ln]); Tmp4 := -1; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '0' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '1' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '2' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '3' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '4' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '5' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '6' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '7' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '8' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Edit1.Text[whr] = '9' Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(Edit1.Text[whr]) + 3; If Tmp4 = -1 Then Tmp4 := StrToInt(VBRight(FSI(Ord(Edit1.Text[whr]),0),1)); Tmp := Tmp + Chr(Tmp3+Tmp4); end; Tmp := Replace(Tmp, '&%&', #13#10); Memo1.Text := Tmp except MessageDlg('An error has occured! If it continues, please contact me at!', mtError, [mbOk], 0); end; end; procedure TForm1.About1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Application.MessageBox('Text Encryption made by R in Delphi 5!','About',MB_OK); end;