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Shuffling data using a parallel algorithm

Title: Shuffling data using a parallel algorithm Question: There are many solutions for sorting your data (Bubblesort, QuickSort, Merge and Divide, ...), however if you ever want to shuffle your data, often you'll be left alone. Answer: This article I have first published in German at the Delphi-PRAXiS on February, 20th 2004. A common way to merge your data Most algorithms shuffling your data are based upon a simple Random based algorithm that swaps different positions in an array with each other over and over again. Long enough that you may say that the data are in a unordered position. A single thread (usually your main application) access the data in different positions multiple times and does it often enough to provide a solution you will accept as "merged". // ShuffleArray // aData: pointer to an array of integer numbers // (probably sorted) // aMin: lowest member of array to be shuffeled // aMax: highest member of array to be shuffeled // aIterations: number of iterations each thread // has to do on array procedure ShuffleArray(aData: PIntegerArray; aMin, aMax: Integer; aIterations: Integer); var Source, Dest, Temp: Integer; begin // for each shuffle to be done while aIterations 0 do begin // get source an destination for shuffling Source := RandomRange(aMin, aMax); Dest := RandomRange(aMin, aMax); // swap data Temp := aData^[Source]; aData^[Source] := aData^[Dest]; aData^[Dest] := Temp; // one shuffle done Dec(aIterations); end; end;