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Categories / Delphi / Algorithm Math

Search for text in a RichEdit and select it

Title: search for text in a RichEdit and select it? function SearchForText_AndSelect(RichEdit: TRichEdit; SearchText: string): Boolean; var StartPos, Position, Endpos: Integer; begin StartPos := 0; with RichEdit do begin Endpos := Length(RichEdit.Text); Lines.BeginUpdate; while FindText(SearchText, StartPos, Endpos, [stMatchCase])-1 do begin Endpos := Length(RichEdit.Text) - startpos; Position := FindText(SearchText, StartPos, Endpos, [stMatchCase]); Inc(StartPos, Length(SearchText)); SetFocus; SelStart := Position; SelLength := Length(SearchText); end; Lines.EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SearchForText_AndSelect(RichEdit1, 'Some Text'); end;