Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Algorithm Math

Search and Replace in a string

Title: Search and Replace in a string Question: How can I search for a substring and replace all by another one? Answer: { The function searches for a substring 'SearchFor' in a string 'Str' and replaces all found substrings by 'ReplaceStr' } function ReplaceIn(SearchFor, ReplaceStr, Str : String): String; var Dummy, st : String; i : integer; begin { make a temp. copy of the Str } st := Str; { first position of the substring } i := Pos(SearchFor, St); Dummy := ''; { search lasts while the specified substring is found } while i 0 do begin Dummy := Dummy + Copy(St, 0, i - 1) + ReplaceStr; st := copy(st, i + length(SearchFor), length(st)+1); i := Pos(SearchFor, St); end; { result: the substrings replaced by 'ReplaceStr' } result := Dummy + st; end;