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Categories / Delphi / Algorithm Math

Prime Number Class (Fast Access to Prime Numbers)

Title: Prime Number Class (Fast Access to Prime Numbers) Question: In a recent article by Upportune Malters (ID 2989) he presents an algorythm that populates a boolean array that denotes if a number is prime or not. This is an efficient idea in that once the array is generated then checking of a prime numbers is a simple check to the array element. This prompted me to write a Class that uses Borland's TBit class. The TBit class is more memory efficient than an array of boolean in that 8 true/false values can be stored in a byte, whereas the boolean array can only store 1 true/false value in a byte. Using the class one can check if a number is prime, obtain a list of all prime numbers from x to y. eg. var PN : TPrimeNumbers; formshow or create PN := TPrimeNumbers.Create(1000000); // Specify max number end; some routine if PN.IsPrime(2341) then ... for i := 1 to 1000 do if PN.IsPrime(i) then ListBox1.Add(IntToStr(i)); etc... end; closeform PN.Free; end; Answer: interface type TPrimeNumbers = class(TObject) private NotPrimeArray : TBits; // Borland Bit array class FMaxNumber : integer; public constructor Create(MaxNumber : integer); destructor Destroy; override; function IsPrime(NumToCheck : integer) : boolean; end; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- interface constructor TPrimeNumbers.Create(MaxNumber : integer); var A,B : integer; begin NotPrimeArray := TBits.Create; // False = PRIME NotPrimeArray.Size := MaxNumber + 1; FMaxNumber := MaxNumber; for A := 2 to FMaxNumber div 2 do if not NotPrimeArray[A] then begin B := A + A; // Start from 2nd element while B NotPrimeArray[B] := true; // Set NOT PRIME inc(B,A); end; end; NotPrimeArray[1] := true; // Set elements 1 and 2 NotPrimeArray[2] := false; end; destructor TPrimeNumbers.Destroy; begin NotPrimeArray.Free; end; function TPrimeNumbers.IsPrime(NumToCheck : integer) : boolean; begin if (NumToCheck FMaxNumber) then Raise Exception.Create('Invalid Prime Range ' + IntToStr(NumToCheck)) else Result := not NotPrimeArray[NumToCheck]; end; end.