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How to sort a StringGrid

Title: How to sort a StringGrid procedure SortStringGrid(var GenStrGrid: TStringGrid; ThatCol: Integer); const // Define the Separator TheSeparator = '@'; var CountItem, I, J, K, ThePosition: integer; MyList: TStringList; MyString, TempString: string; begin // Give the number of rows in the StringGrid CountItem := GenStrGrid.RowCount; //Create the List MyList := TStringList.Create; MyList.Sorted := False; try begin for I := 1 to (CountItem - 1) do MyList.Add(GenStrGrid.Rows[I].Strings[ThatCol] + TheSeparator + GenStrGrid.Rows[I].Text); //Sort the List Mylist.Sort; for K := 1 to Mylist.Count do begin //Take the String of the line (K 1) MyString := MyList.Strings[(K - 1)]; //Find the position of the Separator in the String ThePosition := Pos(TheSeparator, MyString); TempString := ''; {Eliminate the Text of the column on which we have sorted the StringGrid} TempString := Copy(MyString, (ThePosition + 1), Length(MyString)); MyList.Strings[(K - 1)] := ''; MyList.Strings[(K - 1)] := TempString; end; // Refill the StringGrid for J := 1 to (CountItem - 1) do GenStrGrid.Rows[J].Text := MyList.Strings[(J - 1)]; end; finally //Free the List MyList.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Sort the StringGrid1 on the second Column // StringGrid1 nach der 1. Spalte sortieren SortStringGrid(StringGrid1, 1); end;