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How to realize a dynamic array

Title: How to realize a dynamic array Question: How to manage a dynamic list easily with TList and no pointers. Answer: TList is very useful to manage a list of objects and handle it like an array. The only thing is a typecast that is needed to access the data (if you don't wont to subclass from TList). You need an own class for holding the data - e.g. a string: type TMyDataPoint = class public Data1: string; constructor Create(aData1: string); end; The constructer sets the string: constructor TMyDataPoint.Create(aData1: string); begin Data1 := aData1; end; An object of the class TList must be created: var MyList : TList; ... MyList := TList.Create; One line of code is enough to add an element: MyList.Add(TMyDataPoint.Create(Edit1.Text)); TList owns methode e.g. for find, delete or sort (quicksort) the elements (objects). These methods are returning a pointer - so a typecast must be performed to access the string: This is the access for the first element: Edit1.Text := TMyDataPoint(MyList.Items[1]).Data1; This is how to fill a memo with all elements: var i: integer; ... for i := 0 to MyList.Count-1 do Memo1.Lines.Add(TMyDataPoint(MyList.Items[i]).Data1); Before you delete the list-objects - all elements must be destroyed: var i: integer; ... for i := 0 to MyList.Count-1 do TMyDataPoint(MyList.Items[i]).Destroy; MyList.Destroy; A 'cleaner' version is to create a TMyList that handles the typecast and destroys all elements automatically. Note: If you use Delphi 5 - check out TObjectList !