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How to Make a dynamic array at runtime

Title: How to Make a dynamic array at runtime type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; private procedure _InitRecord(p: Pointer; typeInfo: Pointer); procedure _InitArray(p: Pointer; typeInfo: Pointer; elemCount: Cardinal); public { Public declarations } end; const tkLString = 10; tkWString = 11; tkVariant = 12; tkArray = 13; tkRecord = 14; tkInterface = 15; tkDynArray = 17; procedure tform1._InitRecord(p: Pointer; typeInfo: Pointer); {$IFDEF PUREPASCAL} var FT: PFieldTable; I: Cardinal; begin FT := PFieldTable(Integer(typeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(typeInfo).Name[0])); for I := FT.Count-1 downto 0 do _InitializeArray(Pointer(Cardinal(P) + FT.Fields[I].Offset), FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo^, 1); end; {$ELSE} asm { - EAX pointer to record to be initialized } { EDX pointer to type info } XOR ECX,ECX PUSH EBX MOV CL,[EDX+1] { type name length } PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV EBX,EAX // PIC safe. See comment above LEA ESI,[EDX+ECX+2+8] { address of destructable fields } MOV EDI,[EDX+ECX+2+4] { number of destructable fields } @@loop: MOV EDX,[ESI] MOV EAX,[ESI+4] ADD EAX,EBX MOV EDX,[EDX] MOV ECX,1 CALL _InitArray ADD ESI,8 DEC EDI JG @@loop POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ENDIF} procedure tform1._InitArray(p: Pointer; typeInfo: Pointer; elemCount: Cardinal); {$IFDEF PUREPASCAL} var FT: PFieldTable; begin if elemCount = 0 then Exit; case PTypeInfo(typeInfo).Kind of tkLString, tkWString, tkInterface, tkDynArray: while elemCount 0 do begin PInteger(P)^ := 0; Inc(Integer(P), 4); Dec(elemCount); end; tkVariant: while elemCount 0 do begin PInteger(P)^ := 0; PInteger(Integer(P)+4)^ := 0; PInteger(Integer(P)+8)^ := 0; PInteger(Integer(P)+12)^ := 0; Inc(Integer(P), sizeof(Variant)); Dec(elemCount); end; tkArray: begin FT := PFieldTable(Integer(typeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(typeInfo).Name[0])); while elemCount 0 do begin _InitializeArray(P, FT.Fields[0].TypeInfo^, FT.Count); Inc(Integer(P), FT.Size); Dec(elemCount); end; end; tkRecord: begin FT := PFieldTable(Integer(typeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(typeInfo).Name[0])); while elemCount 0 do begin _InitializeRecord(P, typeInfo); Inc(Integer(P), FT.Size); Dec(elemCount); end; end; else Error(reInvalidPtr); end; end; {$ELSE} asm { - EAX pointer to data to be initialized } { EDX pointer to type info describing data } { ECX number of elements of that type } TEST ECX, ECX JZ @@zerolength PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV EBX,EAX // PIC safe. See comment above MOV ESI,EDX MOV EDI,ECX XOR EDX,EDX MOV AL,[ESI] MOV DL,[ESI+1] XOR ECX,ECX CMP AL,tkLString JE @@LString CMP AL,tkWString JE @@WString CMP AL,tkVariant JE @@Variant CMP AL,tkArray JE @@Array CMP AL,tkRecord JE @@Record CMP AL,tkInterface JE @@Interface CMP AL,tkDynArray JE @@DynArray MOV AL,reInvalidPtr POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX JMP @Error @@LString: @@WString: @@Interface: @@DynArray: MOV [EBX],ECX ADD EBX,4 DEC EDI JG @@LString JMP @@exit @@Variant: MOV [EBX ],ECX MOV [EBX+ 4],ECX MOV [EBX+ 8],ECX MOV [EBX+12],ECX ADD EBX,16 DEC EDI JG @@Variant JMP @@exit @@Array: PUSH EBP MOV EBP,EDX @@ArrayLoop: MOV EDX,[ESI+EBP+2+8] // address of destructable fields typeinfo MOV EAX,EBX ADD EBX,[ESI+EBP+2] // size in bytes of the array data MOV ECX,[ESI+EBP+2+4] // number of destructable fields MOV EDX,[EDX] CALL _InitArray DEC EDI JG @@ArrayLoop POP EBP JMP @@exit @@Record: PUSH EBP MOV EBP,EDX @@RecordLoop: MOV EAX,EBX ADD EBX,[ESI+EBP+2] MOV EDX,ESI CALL _InitRecord DEC EDI JG @@RecordLoop POP EBP @@exit: POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX @@zerolength: @Error: end; {$ENDIF}