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Categories / Delphi / Algorithm Math

How to get the number of days of a month

Title: How to get the number of days of a month function DaysOfMonth(mm, yy: Integer): Integer; begin if mm = 2 then begin Result := 28; if IsLeapYear(yy) then Result := 29; end else begin if mm 8 then begin if (mm mod 2) = 0 then Result := 30 else Result := 31; end else begin if (mm mod 2) = 0 then Result := 31 else Result := 30; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var days: Integer; begin days := DaysOfMonth(7, 2001); ShowMessage('July 2001 has ' + IntToStr(days) + ' days'); end;