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How to Declare and Initialize Constant Arrays in Delphi

Title: How to Declare and Initialize Constant Arrays in Delphi In Delphi, arrays allow a developer to refer to a series of variables by the same name and to use a number (an index) to tell them apart. In most scenarios, you declare an array as a variable - thus allowing for array elements to be changed at run-time. Sometimes, you need to declare a constant array - a read-only array. You cannot change the value of a constant or a read-only variable. Therefore, while declaring a constant array you have to initialize it. Here are a few examples of declaring and initializing constant arrays in Delphi: type TShopItem = record Name : string; Price : currency; end; const Days : array[0..6] of string = ( 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ) ; CursorMode : array[boolean] of TCursor = ( crHourGlass, crSQLWait ) ; Items : array[1..3] of TShopItem = ( (Name : 'Clock'; Price : 20.99), (Name : 'Pencil'; Price : 15.75), (Name : 'Board'; Price : 42.96) ) ; The above code declares and initializes three constant arrays, named: "Days", "CursorMode" and "Items". "Days" is a string array of 6 elements. Days[1] returns the "Mon" string. "CursorMode" is an array of two elements, where by declaration CursorMode[false] = crHourGlass and CursorMode = crSQLWait. "cr*" constants can be used to change the current screen cursor. var isDatabaseOperation : boolean begin isDatabaseOperation := true; //changes the cursor to crSQLWait Screen.Cursor := CursorMode[isDatabaseOperation]; "Items" defines an array of 3 TShopItem records. Note: trying to assign a value for an item in a constant array raises the "Left side cannot be assigned to" compile time error, as in: Items[1].Name := 'Watch'; //will NOT compile