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How to convert values in any type to string

Title: How to convert values in any type to string Question: How to convert values in any type do string value ? Answer: If you want learn more, see the "Variant" and "TVarData" in help... Its easy.... function ToString(Value: Variant): String; begin case TVarData(Value).VType of varSmallInt, varInteger : Result := IntToStr(Value); varSingle, varDouble, varCurrency : Result := FloatToStr(Value); varDate : Result := FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', Value); varBoolean : if Value then Result := 'T' else Result := 'F'; varString : Result := Value; else Result := ''; end; end; Usage: ShowMessage(ToString(10.87)); ShowMessage(ToString(10)); or var V1 : Double; V2 : Integer; V3 : TDateTime; V4 : Boolean; begin ... ... ... ShowMessage(ToString(V1)); // Double to String; ShowMessage(ToString(V2)); // Integer to String; ShowMessage(ToString(V3)); // DateTime to String; ShowMessage(ToString(V4)); // Boolean to String; end;