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How to convert between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal

Title: How to convert between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal unit NumSystems; // ***************************************************** // * * // * 2007 by Derek van Daal * // * derek_vdaal at gmx dot net * // * * // * Features: * // * - Convert int bin oct dec hex * // * - Full 32 bit support (up to FFFFFFFFh) * // * - Three functions: * // * 1. StrToNumInt * // * 2. IntToStrNum * // * 3. ConvertNum * // * * // * ---===Use and abuse at your own risk===--- * // * * // ***************************************************** interface uses SysUtils; type //Different numbering system enumeration TNumSys = (nsBin, nsOct, nsDec, nsHex); const //Extended characters to represent hex numbering system DigitList = '0123456789ABCDEF'; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Convert a number in string representation of a numbering sys to integer function StrNumToInt(const Value: String; const InNumSys: TNumSys): Cardinal; //Convert an integer to a string representation of another numbering sys function IntToStrNum(Value: Cardinal; const OutNumSys: TNumSys; Digits: Integer): String; //Convert two string representations of numbers two different numbering sys function ConvertNum(const Value: String; const InNumSys, OutNumSys: TNumSys; Digits: Integer): String; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// implementation //****************************************************************************** { Returns the numerical value of the input numbering system @param NumSys the numbering system @result the base of the numbering system } {$WARNINGS OFF} function GetBase(const NumSys: TNumSys): Integer; begin case NumSys of nsBin: Result := 2; nsOct: Result := 8; nsDec: Result := 10; nsHex: Result := 16; end; end; {$WARNINGS ON} //****************************************************************************** { Checks whether a digit representing a number is valid according to its base. @param Digit the digit to check @param Base the base of the digit @result the validity of the digit } {$WARNINGS OFF} function DigitValid(Digit: Char; Base: Integer): Boolean; begin case Base of 2: Result := Digit in ['0'..'1']; 8: Result := Digit in ['0'..'7']; 10: Result := Digit in ['0'..'9']; 16: Result := Digit in ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F']; end; end; {$WARNINGS ON} //****************************************************************************** { Returns the integer value of a digit in any numbering system. @param Digit the digit representation to convert @result the Integer value of the digit represented } function DigitToInt(Digit: Char): Integer; begin case Digit of '0'..'9': Result := ord(Digit) - 48; 'A'..'Z': Result := ord(Digit) - 55; else Result := -1; end; end; //****************************************************************************** { Returns Base^Exp of a positive Exp. @param Base the base of the equation @param Exp the exponent of the equation (must be = 0) @result the answer of the power equation } function PowerInt(Base: Cardinal; const Exp: Cardinal): Cardinal; var k: Cardinal; begin //x^0 is always 1 if Exp = 0 then begin Result := 1; Exit; end; Result := Base; for k := 1 to Exp-1 do Result := Result * Base end; //****************************************************************************** { Adds leading '0' characters to a string @param S the source string @param Count the amount of '0's to add @result The newly formatted string with leading '0's } function AddLeadingZeros(const S: String; Count: Integer): String; var k: Integer; begin Result := ''; for k := 1 to Count do Result := Result + '0'; Result := Result + S; end; //****************************************************************************** { Sets the minimum number of digits in a string. If Count the current length of S then the result is filled by '0' character from the left. @param S the source string @param Count the length of the result string @result the newly sized string } function SetDigitCount(const S: String; Count: Integer): String; var NewString: String; begin NewString := S; if Length(S) NewString := AddLeadingZeros(S, Count - Length(S)); Result := NewString; end; //****************************************************************************** { Returns the decimal value of a digit in a numering system with base Base at a specified digit position. @param Digit the digit in the numbering system @param Base the base of the numbering system of Digit @param Index the index of the digit in the number representation where 0 is the rightmost digit. @result the decimal value returned } function DigitValue(Digit: Char; Index: Integer; Base: Integer): Cardinal; var IDigit: Cardinal; begin if not DigitValid(Digit, Base) then raise EConvertError.Create (Format('''%S'' is not a valid digit within a number of base %d', [Digit, Base])); //Need to have numerical value for digits (ie Ah = 10) IDigit := DigitToInt(Digit); //In decimal: 300 = 3 * 10^2 Result := IDigit * PowerInt(Base, Index); end; //****************************************************************************** { Converts a string representation of a numerical value in a specified numbering system to an integer value. @param Value the string representation of a value @param InNumSys the numbering system of Value @result the integer value of the input numerical value } function StrNumToInt(const Value: String; const InNumSys: TNumSys): Cardinal; var k: Integer; Base: Integer; begin Result := 0; Base := GetBase(InNumSys); //Add all the values of the sequential digits in the number text //representation to Result for k := Length(Value) downto 1 do Result := Result + DigitValue(Value[k], Length(Value) - k, Base); end; //****************************************************************************** { Converts an intger value to a string representation of a numerical value in a specified numbering system. @param Value the input integer value to convert @param OutNumSys the output numbering system of the result @param Digits the minimum number of digits for the result @result the string representation of Value in a specified numbering system } function IntToStrNum(Value: Cardinal; const OutNumSys: TNumSys; Digits: Integer): String; var Base: Cardinal; begin if Value = 0 then begin Result := SetDigitCount('0', Digits); Exit; end; Result := ''; Base := GetBase(OutNumSys); //Determine the digit character for every character position in the number //text representation and add it to Result while Value 0 do begin Result := DigitList[(Value mod Base) + 1] + Result; Value := Value div Base; end; Result := SetDigitCount(Result, Digits); end; //****************************************************************************** { Converts an a string representation of a numerical value in a specified numbering system to a string representation of a numerical value in a different numbering system. @param Value the string representation of a number to convert @param InNumSys the input numbering system of Value @param OutNumSys the output numbering system of the result @param Digits the minimum number of digits for the result @result the string representation of Value in a specified numbering system } function ConvertNum(const Value: String; const InNumSys, OutNumSys: TNumSys; Digits: Integer): String; begin Result := IntToStrNum(StrNumToInt(Value, InNumSys), OutNumSys, Digits); end; //****************************************************************************** end.