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How to convert a WideString to a String

Title: How to convert a WideString to a String function WideStringToString(const ws: WideString; codePage: Word): AnsiString; var l: integer; begin if ws = ' then Result := ' else begin l := WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, WC_COMPOSITECHECK or WC_DISCARDNS or WC_SEPCHARS or WC_DEFAULTCHAR, @ws[1], - 1, nil, 0, nil, nil); SetLength(Result, l - 1); if l 1 then WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, WC_COMPOSITECHECK or WC_DISCARDNS or WC_SEPCHARS or WC_DEFAULTCHAR, @ws[1], - 1, @Result[1], l - 1, nil, nil); end; end; { WideStringToString } {:Converts Ansi string to Unicode string using specified code page. @param s Ansi string. @param codePage Code page to be used in conversion. @returns Converted wide string. } function StringToWideString(const s: AnsiString; codePage: Word): WideString; var l: integer; begin if s = ' then Result := ' else begin l := MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, MB_PRECOMPOSED, PChar(@s[1]), - 1, nil, 0); SetLength(Result, l - 1); if l 1 then MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, MB_PRECOMPOSED, PChar(@s[1]), - 1, PWideChar(@Result[1]), l - 1); end; end; { StringToWideString }