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How to convert a Grids Surfer to a Grids Arcview

Title: How to convert a Grid's Surfer to a Grid's Arcview Question: This code is useful to load a raster Grd file from surfer to ArcView when you want to interpolate data by using Sufer and then loading the grid by using Raster Arcview. Answer: This component has several procedures which you can load a Grid of Surfer, visualize the Grid and Save the Grid in a ArcView Format. Then you can load the Grid in Arcview by using a Raster option! This is the code of the component: unit MapGrid; interface uses Messages, Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, Menus, Graphics, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Dialogs, ScaleColor; type TMapGrid = class(TGraphicControl) private { Private declarations } FPicture: TPicture; FStretch: Boolean; FTransparent: Boolean; FCenter: Boolean; FDrawing: Boolean; function CargarArchivo(Ruta: string; TipodeGrilla: byte): Boolean; function GetCanvas: TCanvas; procedure FWRuta(GridPath: string); procedure LimpiarCeldas; procedure AutoColor; procedure Pintar(Dato: string; i,j: longword); procedure PictureChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure SetCenter(Value: Boolean); procedure SetStretch(Value: Boolean); procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); property Canvas: TCanvas read GetCanvas; protected { Protected declarations } FAutoAjuste: Boolean; FRuta: string; FColorMin,FColorMax,FColorNoData: TColor; FIntervalos,FColores: TStrings; FNIntervalos: byte; FNoData: string; FDib: boolean; FEncabezado: string; Fnx,Fny: longword; FXmin,FYmin,FZmin: string; FXmax,FYmax,FZmax: string; FZoom: SmallInt; FCellSize: string; FCellSizeX: string; FCellSizeY: string; FGridType: byte; FActiveEscala: TScaleColor; function CargarGrilladeSurfer(Ruta: string): Boolean; function CargarGrilladeArcView(Ruta: string): Boolean; function CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; override; function DestRect: TRect; function DoPaletteChange: Boolean; procedure Paint; override; procedure BusqueEscala(Control: TScaleColor); public Datos,Escala: array of array of string; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function GuardarGrilladeSurfer(Ruta: string): boolean; function GuardarGrilladeArcView(Ruta: string): boolean; function GuardarGrillaXYZ(Ruta: string): boolean; function Coordenadas(Col,Row: longword): string; function GetToken(LeeCadena: Ansistring; Sep: char; Num: longword): string; function Info(Const X,Y: longword): string; procedure Inicializar; procedure Repintar(Const W,H: integer); property Colores: TStrings Read FColores Write FColores default nil; published property ActiveEscala: TScaleColor Read FActiveEscala Write BusqueEscala default nil; property Dibujar: boolean Read FDib Write FDib; property Encabezado: string Read FEncabezado Write FEncabezado; property Nx: longword read Fnx write Fnx; property Ny: longword read Fny write Fny; property Xmin: string Read FXmin Write FXmin; property Ymin: string Read FYmin Write FYmin; property Xmax: string Read FXmax Write FXmax; property Ymax: string Read FYmax Write FYmax; property Zmin: string Read FZmin Write FZmin; property Zmax: string Read FZmax Write FZmax; property Zoom: SmallInt Read FZoom Write FZoom; property ColorMinimo: TColor read FColorMin write FColorMin; property ColorMaximo: TColor read FColorMax write FColorMax; property ColorNoDato: TColor read FColorNoData write FColorNoData; property CellSize: string Read FCellSize Write FCellSize; property CellSizeX: string Read FCellSizeX Write FCellSizeX; property CellSizeY: string Read FCellSizeY Write FCellSizeY; property NoDataValue: string Read FNoData Write FNoData; property Ruta: string Read FRuta Write FWRuta; property Intervalos: TStrings Read FIntervalos Write FIntervalos default nil; property GridType: byte Read FGridType Write FGridType; property Nintervalos: byte read FNIntervalos write FNIntervalos default 10; property Align; property Anchors; property AutoSize; property Center: Boolean read FCenter write SetCenter default False; property Constraints; property Enabled; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ShowHint; property Stretch: Boolean read FStretch write SetStretch default True; property Transparent: Boolean read FTransparent write SetTransparent default False; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; end; procedure Register; implementation uses consts; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('MapGrid', [TMapGrid]); end; constructor TMapGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Intervalos:=TStringList.Create; Colores:=TStringList.Create; Nintervalos:=10; NoDataValue:='1.70141E+038'; ColorMinimo:=clBlue; ColorMaximo:=clRed; ColorNoDato:=clWhite; ControlStyle:=ControlStyle + [csReplicatable]; Dibujar:= True; FPicture:=TPicture.Create; FPicture.OnChange:=PictureChanged; Height:=105; Width:=105; Zoom:=0; Stretch:=True; end; destructor TMapGrid.Destroy; begin FPicture.Free; FIntervalos:=nil; FColores:=nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TMapGrid.BusqueEscala(Control: TScaleColor); begin if FActiveEscala Control then if not (Control = nil) then// and (GetParentForm(Control) = TScaleColorGph) and ((csLoading in ComponentState) then begin FActiveEscala:=Control; FActiveEscala.Importar(Self); end else FActiveEscala:=nil; end; function TMapGrid.DestRect: TRect; begin if Stretch then Result := ClientRect else if Center then Result := Bounds((Width - FPicture.Width) div 2, (Height - FPicture.Height) div 2, FPicture.Width, FPicture.Height) else Result := Rect(0, 0, FPicture.Width, FPicture.Height); end; procedure TMapGrid.Paint; var Save: Boolean; begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then with inherited Canvas do begin Pen.Style := psDash; Brush.Style := bsClear; Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); end; Save := FDrawing; FDrawing := True; try with inherited Canvas do StretchDraw(DestRect, FPicture.Graphic); finally FDrawing := Save; end; end; function TMapGrid.DoPaletteChange: Boolean; var ParentForm: TCustomForm; Tmp: TGraphic; begin Result:= False; Tmp:= FPicture.Graphic; if Visible and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) and (Tmp nil) and (Tmp.PaletteModified) then begin if (Tmp.Palette = 0) then Tmp.PaletteModified := False else begin ParentForm := GetParentForm(Self); if Assigned(ParentForm) and ParentForm.Active and Parentform.HandleAllocated then begin if FDrawing then ParentForm.Perform(wm_QueryNewPalette, 0, 0) else PostMessage(ParentForm.Handle, wm_QueryNewPalette, 0, 0); Result := True; Tmp.PaletteModified := False; end; end; end; end; function TMapGrid.GetCanvas: TCanvas; var Bitmap: TBitmap; begin if FPicture.Graphic = nil then begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; try Bitmap.Width := Width; Bitmap.Height := Height; FPicture.Graphic := Bitmap; finally Bitmap.Free; end; end; if FPicture.Graphic is TBitmap then Result := TBitmap(FPicture.Graphic).Canvas else raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SImageCanvasNeedsBitmap); end; procedure TMapGrid.SetCenter(Value: Boolean); begin if FCenter Value then begin FCenter := Value; PictureChanged(Self); end; end; procedure TMapGrid.SetStretch(Value: Boolean); begin if Value FStretch then begin FStretch := Value; PictureChanged(Self); end; end; procedure TMapGrid.SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); begin if Value FTransparent then begin FTransparent := Value; PictureChanged(Self); end; end; procedure TMapGrid.PictureChanged(Sender: TObject); var G: TGraphic; begin if AutoSize and (FPicture.Width 0) and (FPicture.Height 0) then SetBounds(Left, Top, FPicture.Width, FPicture.Height); G:= FPicture.Graphic; if G nil then begin if not ((G is TMetaFile) or (G is TIcon)) then G.Transparent := FTransparent; if (not G.Transparent) and (Stretch or (G.Width = Width) and (G.Height = Height)) then ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque] else ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csOpaque]; if DoPaletteChange and FDrawing then Update; end else ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csOpaque]; if not FDrawing then Invalidate; end; function TMapGrid.CanAutoSize(var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := True; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) or (FPicture.Width 0) and (FPicture.Height 0) then begin if Align in [alNone, alLeft, alRight] then NewWidth := FPicture.Width; if Align in [alNone, alTop, alBottom] then NewHeight := FPicture.Height; end; end; function TMapGrid.CargarArchivo(Ruta: string; TipodeGrilla: byte) : Boolean; var Resultado: Boolean; Forma: real; begin FRuta:=Ruta; LimpiarCeldas; case (TipodeGrilla) of 0: Resultado:=CargarGrilladeSurfer(Ruta); 1: Resultado:=CargarGrilladeArcView(Ruta); else Resultado:=False; end; CargarArchivo:=Resultado; if (ActiveEscala nil) then ActiveEscala.Importar(Self); Forma:=Width/Height; Height:=200; Width:=Trunc(Forma*Height) end; function TMapGrid.CargarGrilladeSurfer(Ruta: string): boolean; var i,j: longword; F: TextFile; S: string; Dato: Extended; begin Result:=False; if not FileExists(Ruta) then Exit; AssignFile(F, Ruta); Reset(F); Readln(F,S); Encabezado:=S; Readln(F,S); Nx:=StrToInt(GetToken(S,' ',1)); Ny:=StrToInt(GetToken(S,' ',2)); Datos:=nil; SetLength(datos,Ny,Nx); Readln(F,S); Xmin:=GetToken(S,' ',1); Xmax:=GetToken(S,' ',2); Readln(F,S); Ymin:=GetToken(S,' ',1); Ymax:=GetToken(S,' ',2); Readln(F,S); Zmin:=GetToken(S,' ',1); Zmax:=GetToken(S,' ',2); CellSizeX:=FloatToStr((StrToFloat(Xmax)-StrToFloat(Xmin))/Nx); CellSizeY:=FloatToStr((StrToFloat(Ymax)-StrToFloat(Ymin))/Ny); CellSize:=FloatToStr((StrToFloat(CellSizeX)+StrToFloat(CellSizeY))/2); NoDataValue:='1.70141E+38'; if (Dibujar) then AutoColor; for i:=Ny-1 Downto 0 do for j:=0 to Nx-1 do begin Read(F, Dato); Datos[i,j]:=FloatToStr(Dato); if (Dibujar) then Pintar(Datos[i,j],i,j); end; Result:=True; end; procedure TMapGrid.Pintar(Dato: string; i,j: longword); var MyRect: TRect; l: longword; ColorActual: string; Begin MyRect.Top:=i; MyRect.Bottom:=(i+1); MyRect.Left:=j; MyRect.Right:=(j+1); ColorActual:=Colores[Nintervalos+1]; if StrToFloat(Dato) StrToFloat(NoDataValue) then begin for l:=0 to nintervalos do if (StrToFloat(Dato) = StrToFloat(Escala[l,0])) and (StrToFloat(Dato) begin ColorActual:=Colores[l]; break; end; end; FPicture.Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color:=StringToColor(ColorActual); FPicture.Bitmap.Canvas.FillRect(MyRect); end; function TMapGrid.CargarGrilladeArcView(Ruta: string): boolean; var i,j: longword; F: TextFile; S: string; Dato: Extended; begin Result:=False; if not FileExists(Ruta) then Exit; AssignFile(F, Ruta); Reset(F); Readln(F,S); Nx:=StrToInt(GetToken(S,' ',2)); Readln(F,S); Ny:=StrToInt(GetToken(S,' ',2)); Datos:=nil; SetLength(Datos,Ny,Nx); Readln(F,S); Xmin:=GetToken(S,' ',2); Readln(F,S); Ymin:=GetToken(S,' ',2); Readln(F,S); CellSize:=GetToken(S,' ',2); Readln(F,S); NoDataValue:=GetToken(S,' ',2); Zmin:= NoDataValue; Zmax:= '0'; for i:=0 to Ny-1 do begin for j:= 0 to Nx-1 do begin Read(F, Dato); Datos[i,j]:=FloatToStr(Dato); if Dato StrToFloat(NoDataValue) then begin if StrToFloat(zmin) Dato then Zmin:=FloatToStr(Dato); if StrToFloat(zmax) Zmax:=FloatToStr(Dato); end; end; end; if (Dibujar) then begin AutoColor; for i:=0 to Ny-1 do for j:= 0 to Nx-1 do Pintar(Datos[i,j],i,j); end; Result:=True; end; function TMapGrid.Coordenadas(Col,Row: longword): string; var X,Y: string; begin X:=FloatToStr(Col*StrToFloat(CellSizeX)+StrToFloat(Xmin)); Y:=FloatToStr(StrToFloat(Ymax)-Row*StrToFloat(CellSizeY)); Coordenadas:=X+' '+Y; end; procedure TMapGrid.FWRuta(GridPath: string); var F: TextFile; S: string; begin FRuta:=''; if not FileExists(GridPath) then begin FRuta:=''; Exit; end; FRuta:=GridPath; AssignFile(F, FRuta); Reset(F); Readln(F,S); GridType:=2; if (GetToken( S,' ',1) = 'DSAA') Then GridType:=0 else GridType:=1; if (GridType 1) then begin ShowMessage('InvalidFormat'); exit; end; CloseFile(F); CargarArchivo(Ruta, GridType); end; procedure TMapGrid.Inicializar; var myRect: TRect; begin myRect.Left:=0; myRect.Right:=Width; myRect.Top:=0; myRect.Bottom:=Height; FPicture.Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color:=ClWhite; FPicture.Bitmap.Canvas.FillRect(MyRect); end; function TMapGrid.Info(Const X,Y: longword): string; begin Info:=''; if (Datos nil) then Info:=Datos[X,Y]; end; procedure TMapGrid.Repintar(Const W,H: integer); var i,j: longword; begin AutoColor; ActiveEscala.Importar(Self); case GridType of 0: for i:=Ny-1 Downto 0 do for j:=0 to Nx-1 do Pintar(Datos[i,j],i,j); 1: for i:=0 to Ny-1 do for j:=0 to Nx-1 do Pintar(Datos[i,j],i,j); end; Height:=H; Width:=W; end; procedure TMapGrid.LimpiarCeldas; begin FPicture:=nil; FPicture:=TPicture.Create; Datos:=nil; Intervalos.Clear; Colores.Clear; Escala:=nil; end; function TMapGrid.GuardarGrilladeSurfer(Ruta: string): boolean; var i,j: longword; F: TextFile; Cadena: string; begin AssignFile(F, Ruta); Rewrite(F); begin if (Encabezado = '') then Encabezado:='DSAA'; writeln(F,Encabezado); Cadena:=IntToStr(Nx)+' '+IntToStr(Ny); writeln(F,Cadena); Cadena:=Xmin+' '+Xmax; writeln(F,Cadena); Cadena:=Ymin+' '+Ymax; writeln(F,Cadena); Cadena:=Zmin+' '+Zmax; writeln(F,Cadena); for i:=0 to Ny-1 do begin for j:=0 to Nx-1 do begin write(F,Datos[j,i],' '); end; writeln(F); end end; Close(F); Result:=True; end; function TMapGrid.GuardarGrilladeArcView(Ruta: string): boolean; var i,j: longword; F: TextFile; begin AssignFile(F, Ruta); Rewrite(F); begin write(F,'ncols '); writeln(F,Nx); write(F,'nrows '); writeln(F,Ny); write(F,'xllcorner '); writeln(F,Xmin); write(F,'yllcorner '); writeln(F,Ymin); write(F,'cellsize '); writeln(F,CellSize); writeln(F,'NODATA_value ' + NoDataValue); for i:= 0 to Ny-1 do for j:= 0 to Nx-1 do write(F, Datos[i,j],' '); end; Close(F); Result:=True; end; function TMapGrid.GuardarGrillaXYZ(Ruta: string): boolean; var i,j: longword; F: TextFile; begin AssignFile(F, Ruta); Rewrite(F); for j:=0 to Nx-1 do for i:=Ny-1 downto 0 do if Not(StrToFloat(Datos[j,i]) = StrToFloat(NoDataValue)) then writeln(F,Coordenadas(j,i)+' '+Datos[j,i]); Close(F); Result:=True; end; procedure TMapGrid.AutoColor; var i: integer; R1,G1,B1: integer; R2,G2,B2: integer; R,G,B: integer; min,max,delta: real; begin if Ruta '' then begin Width:=Nx; Height:=Ny; Canvas.Brush.Style:=bsSolid; Colores.Clear ; Escala:=nil; R1:=GetRValue(ColorToRGB(ColorMinimo)); G1:=GetGValue(ColorToRGB(ColorMinimo)); B1:=GetBValue(ColorToRGB(ColorMinimo)); R2:=GetRValue(ColorToRGB(ColorMaximo))-R1; G2:=GetGValue(ColorToRGB(ColorMaximo))-G1; B2:=GetBValue(ColorToRGB(ColorMaximo))-B1; Colores.Clear; for i:=0 to Nintervalos do begin R:=(R1+(i*R2) div Nintervalos); G:=(G1+(i*G2) div Nintervalos); B:=(B1+(i*B2) div Nintervalos); Colores.Add(IntToStr(RGB(R,G,B))); end; Colores.Add(IntToStr(ColorNoDato)); end; SetLength(Escala,Nintervalos+1,2); delta:=(StrToFloat(zmax)-StrToFloat(zmin))/Nintervalos; min:=StrToFloat(zmin); max:=StrToFloat(zmin)+delta; for i:= 0 to Nintervalos-1 do begin Escala[i,0]:=FloatToStr(min); Escala[i,1]:=FloatToStr(max); min:=max; max:=max+delta; end; Escala[Nintervalos,0]:=zmax; Escala[Nintervalos,1]:=NoDataValue; end; function TMapGrid.GetToken(LeeCadena: AnsiString; Sep: char; Num: longword): string; var Token: string; StrLen: longword; TNum: longword; TEnd: longword; begin StrLen:=Length(LeeCadena); TNum:=1; TEnd:=StrLen; while ((TNum0)) do begin TEnd:=Pos(Sep,LeeCadena); if TEnd0 then begin Token:=Copy(LeeCadena,1,Tend-1); Delete(LeeCadena,1,Tend); INC(TNum); end else Token:=LeeCadena; end; if TNum=Num then Result:= Token else Result:=''; end; end.