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Categories / Delphi / Algorithm Math

Find true angle of a vector or complex number [arctan]

{ A simple but usefull tiny tip. This version of Arctan is valid throughout the interval [-PI/2;3/2*PI] unlike normally only ]-PI/2;PI/2[. It is of use when you need to convert a given vector from rectangular to polar format. It is quite handy when you do complex numbers. Furthermore it allows finding angles of vertical lines or purely imaginery complex numbers. A similar function exists in the standard libraries of MOSCOW-ML and C/C++, but not in DELPHI math. } function ArcTan2(x, y: Double): Double; var retur: Double; begin Retur := 0.0; if ABS(x) < 0.000000001 then //Close to zero! We declare it to be zero! begin //The small margin gives a slight error, but improves reliability. if y > 0 then begin Retur := PI / 2; //90 degrees end else begin Retur := PI / (-2); //-90 degrees end; end else begin if x > 0 then // 1. or 4. quadrant begin Retur := ArcTan(Y / X); // Easy stuff. Normal ArcTan is valid for 1. and 4. end else // 2. or 3. quadrant begin Retur := PI - ArcTan(-Y / X); end; end; ArcTan2 := Retur; end;