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Dynamic array

Title: Dynamic array. Question: How to create a dynamic array in Delphi. Answer: Once more about dynamic array in Delphi. Delphi allows more than one method of dynamic array creating, and the use of TList object is less efficient. Code, presented below, shows 4 different methods to allocate dynamic array. GlobalAlloc function appeared to be the fastest one. unit UTest2; {project 02-01-2000 } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) ListBox1: TListBox; Label1: TLabel; Button1: TButton; procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } ListArray : TList; fSize : integer; dnArray : array of double; testCount : word; procedure TestdnArray; procedure TestpDelphiArray; procedure TestpWin32Array; procedure TestTList; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} type TDinArray = array[0..0] of double; PDinArray = ^TDinArray; const arlength = 1000000; //size of array var pWin32Array : PDinArray; pDelphiArray : PDinArray; procedure TForm1.TestdnArray; // Dynamic array (Delphi 4) var startTime,delta, i : longint; sum : double; cm, m : string; begin sum := 0; cm := 'Dynamic array (Delphi 4). Consumed '; startTime := GetTickCount(); SetLength(dnArray, arLength); // assign values to the array members for i := 0 to arLength - 1 do dnArray[i] := i; // find the sum of all members for i := 0 to arLength - 1 do sum := sum + dnArray[i]; // get time delta := GetTickCount() - startTime; FmtStr(m,'%s %d ms',[cm,delta]); ListBox1.Items.Add(m); // clean SetLength(dnArray, 0); end; procedure TForm1.TestpDelphiArray; // Creates pointer to the array of double using AllocMem( fSize ); var startTime,delta, i : longint; sum : double; cm, m : string; begin sum := 0; cm := 'Allocate Memory function. Consumed '; startTime := GetTickCount(); // create pDelphiArray := AllocMem( fSize ); // assign values to the array members for i := 0 to arLength - 1 do pDelphiArray^[i] := i; // find the sum of all members for i := 0 to arLength - 1 do sum := sum + pDelphiArray^[i]; // get time delta := GetTickCount() - startTime; FmtStr(m,'%s %d ms',[cm,delta]); ListBox1.Items.Add(m); // clean FreeMem( pDelphiArray, fSize); end; procedure TForm1.TestpWin32Array; // Creates pointer to the array of double using GlobalAlloc function; var startTime,delta, i : longint; sum : double; cm, m : string; HNDL : integer; begin sum := 0; cm := 'GlobalAlloc function. Consumed '; startTime := GetTickCount(); // create HNDL := GlobalAlloc(GHND,fSize); pWin32Array := GlobalLock(HNDL); // assign values to the array members for i := 0 to arLength - 1 do pWin32Array^[i] := i; // find the sum of all members for i := 0 to arLength - 1 do sum := sum + pWin32Array^[i]; // get time delta := GetTickCount() - startTime; FmtStr(m,'%s %d ms',[cm,delta]); ListBox1.Items.Add(m); // clean if HNDL 0 then GlobalFree(HNDL); end; procedure TForm1.TestTList; // Creates pointer to the array of double using GlobalAlloc function; var startTime,delta, i : longint; sum : double; cm, m : string; dbl : ^double; begin sum := 0; cm := 'TList function. Consumed '; startTime := GetTickCount(); // create ListArray := TList.Create; // assign values to the array members for i := 0 to arLength - 1 do begin new(dbl); dbl^ := i; ListArray.Add(dbl); end; // find the sum of all members for i := 0 to arLength - 1 do begin dbl := ListArray[i]; sum := sum + dbl^; end; // get time delta := GetTickCount() - startTime; FmtStr(m,'%s %d ms',[cm,delta]); ListBox1.Items.Add(m); // clean ListArray.Clear; ListArray.Free; end; procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); var m : string; i : cardinal; begin TestCount := 1; fSize := arlength * SizeOf(Double); m := 'Project tests the spead of creation and computing with ' + #13; m := m + 'pointer of Array, dynamic array (Delphi 4), and TList.'+ #13; m := m + 'Number of items in each array is : '+ IntTostr(arlength) + #13; m := m + 'Minimum memory needed : ' + IntTostr(fSize) + ' bytes' + #13; m := m + 'Repeat test 2-3 times for more precise data.'; Label1.Caption := m; end; // procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(TestCount)); TestdnArray; TestpDelphiArray; TestpWin32Array; TestTList; Inc(TestCount); end; end.