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Currency rounding

Title: Currency rounding Question: How to round the datatype Currency using only integer arithmetic Answer: the following function rounds a Currency value to the given number of digits. The datatype Currency is a fixed point format and consumes 8 bytes in memory. Instead of converting currency to Extended (and back) this function use only (64bit-) integer arithmetics. examples: RoundCurrency(1.2520, 1) = 1.3 RoundCurrency(-99.5, 0) = -100 RoundCurrency(-99.4999, 0) = -99 function RoundCurrency(const Value:Currency; const nk:Integer):Currency; const faktors : array[-3..3] of Integer = ( 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10); var x : Int64; y : Int64; begin // Currency has only 4 digits after the decimalseparator if (nk=4) or (Value=0) then begin Result := Value; Exit; end; if nk then raise EInvalidArgument.CreateFmt('RoundCurrency(,%d): invalid arg', [nk]); // cast Currency to Int64 x := PInt64(@Value)^; y := faktors[nk]; // rounding if x 0 then x := ((x+(y div 2)) div y)*y else x := ((x-(y div 2)) div y)*y; // cast Int64 to Currency Result := PCurrency(@x)^; end; Please read this article, too: Rounding numbers in different ways