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Convert numbers to words

Title: Convert numbers to words. Question: Do you want to know how to convert numbers to words? Answer: Function GetNumberName(cValue : Currency; sCurrencyName1 : String = ''; sCurrencyName2 : String = '') : String; var i : Integer; iInt : Int64; iDec : Integer; sNo : String; sSpell : array[1..90] of String; begin if cValue = 0 then begin Result := 'Zero'; exit; end; //If currency name is not passed , then Saudi Riyals are used. if sCurrencyName1 = '' then sCurrencyName1 := ' Riyal(s)'; if sCurrencyName2 = '' then sCurrencyName2 := ' Halla(s)'; sSpell[1] := 'One'; sSpell[2] := 'Two'; sSpell[3] := 'Three'; sSpell[4] := 'Four'; sSpell[5] := 'Five'; sSpell[6] := 'Six'; sSpell[7] := 'Seven'; sSpell[8] := 'Eight'; sSpell[9] := 'Nine'; sSpell[10] := 'Ten'; sSpell[11] := 'Eleven'; sSpell[12] := 'Twelve'; sSpell[13] := 'Thirteen'; sSpell[14] := 'Fourteen'; sSpell[15] := 'Fifteen'; sSpell[16] := 'Sixteen'; sSpell[17] := 'Seventeen'; sSpell[18] := 'Eighteen'; sSpell[19] := 'Nineteen'; sSpell[20] := 'Twenty'; sSpell[30] := 'Thirty'; sSpell[40] := 'Forty'; sSpell[50] := 'Fifty'; sSpell[60] := 'Sixty'; sSpell[70] := 'Seventy'; sSpell[80] := 'Eighty'; sSpell[90] := 'Ninety'; sNo := Trim(CurrToStrF(cValue,ffCurrency,CurrencyDecimals)); i := Pos('.', sNo); if i = 0 then iDec := 0 else iDec := StrToInt(Copy(sNo,i+1, 2)); i := Pos('.', sNo); if i = 0 then iInt := StrToInt(sNo) else iInt := StrToInt(Copy(sNo,0, i-1)); while iInt 0 do begin if (Length(Result) 0) and (iInt 9) then Result := Result + ' and '; if iInt Result := Result + sSpell[iInt]; Dec(iInt, iInt); end; if (iInt 9) and (iInt if iInt mod 10 = 0 then begin Result := Result + sSpell[iInt]; Dec(iInt, iInt); end else begin i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt),0,1)) * 10; Result := Result + sSpell[i] + '-'; Dec(iInt, i); end; end; if (iInt 99) and (iInt i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt),0,1)); Result := Result + sSpell[i] + ' Hundred(s)'; Dec(iInt, i*100); end; if (iInt 999) and (iInt i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt),0,1)); Result := Result + sSpell[i] + 'Thousand(s)'; Dec(iInt, i*1000); end; if (iInt 9999) and (iInt i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt), 0, 2)); Result := Result + sSpell[i] + ' Thousand(s)'; Dec(iInt, i*1000); end; if (iInt 99999) and (iInt i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt), 0, 1)); Result := Result + sSpell[i] + ' Hundred(s)'; Dec(iInt, i*100000); end; if (iInt 999999) and (iInt i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt), 0, 1)); Result := Result + sSpell[i] + ' Million(s) '; Dec(iInt, i*1000000); end; if (iInt 9999999) and (iInt i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt), 0, 1))*10; Result := Result + sSpell[i] + '-'; Dec(iInt, i*1000000); i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt), 0, 1)); Result := Result + sSpell[i] + ' Million(s)'; Dec(iInt, i*1000000); end; if (iInt 99999999) and (iInt i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt), 0, 1)); Result := Result + sSpell[i] + ' Hundred(s) '; Dec(iInt, i*100000000); i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt), 0, 1))*10; Result := Result + sSpell[i] + '-'; Dec(iInt, i*1000000); i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iInt), 0, 1)); Result := Result + sSpell[i] + ' Million(s)'; Dec(iInt, i*1000000); end; end; Result := Result + sCurrencyName1; if iDec 0 then Result := Result + ' and '; while iDec 0 do begin if (iDec 0) and (iDec Result := Result + sSpell[iDec] + sCurrencyName2; Dec(iDec, iDec); end else begin i := StrToInt(Copy(IntToStr(iDec), 0, 1))*10; Result := Result + sSpell[i] + '-'; Dec(iDec, i); end; end; end; Example of use: Label1.Caption := GetNumberName(1234); Label1.Caption := GetNumberName(1234,'Dollars','Cents');