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Component to calculate a Regression Multiple of a set data

Title: Component to calculate a Regression Multiple of a set data Question: This code was used in a mathematical model to calculate a Regression Multiple in many points of a computational mesh. Answer: This code is useful if you want to calculate a lot of times a Regression Multiple procedure. Y=aX1+bX2+cX3+..+zXn The following is an example about how to introduce data: Var i: Byte; DatosReg: TStrings; begin Try DatosReg:=TStringList.Create; with DatosReg do begin Add('VarY'); Objects[0]:=TStringList.Create; Add('VarX1'); Objects[1]:=TStringList.Create; Add('VarX2'); Objects[2]:=TStringList.Create; Add('VarX3'); Objects[3]:=TStringList.Create; ... ... Add('Varn'); Objects[n]:=TStringList.Create; end; end; for i:0 to # do begin TStrings(DatosReg.Objects[0]).Add('data'); ... ... end; Calc Regression: RegMult.Datos(DatosReg); Get Coefficients: for i:=0 to Col-1 do RegMult.Resultados.Coeficientes[i]); where Col is the number of x's Cols end; The code od the component is the following: unit RegMult; interface uses Classes, SysUtils; type TRegMult = class(TComponent) public { Public declarations } Coeficientes: array of string; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Datos(Const S: TStrings); protected { Protected declarations } FRow,FCol: longword; FCoeficienteD: extended; private { Private declarations } RSuma: array of string; Sum,MatrixDatos,MatrixA,MatrixB,MatrixC: TStrings; function Calcular(Const S: TStrings): string; procedure Suma(Const S: TStrings; Const Colm: longword); procedure Resolver(Const M1,M2: TStrings); published property Row: longword read FRow write FRow; property Col: longword read FCol write FCol; property CoeficienteD: extended read FCoeficienteD write FCoeficienteD; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('RegMult', [TRegMult]); end; //TRegMult constructor TRegMult.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin Col:=0; Row:=0; CoeficienteD:=0; inherited Create(AOwner); end; destructor TRegMult.Destroy; begin Sum:=nil; MatrixDatos:=nil; MatrixA:=nil; MatrixB:=nil; MatrixC:=nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TRegMult.Datos(Const S: TStrings); var i,j,k: longword; begin with S do begin for i:=1 to Count-1 do begin Row:=TStrings(Objects[i-1]).Count; Col:=TStrings(Objects[i]).Count; if (Col Row) then raise Exception.Create('Reg Mult: El nmero de filas debe ser el mismo.'); if (Col-1 = Row) then raise Exception.Create('Reg Mult: El nmero de filas y columnas para el rango X no puede ser el mismo.'); end; Col:=Count; end; if (MatrixDatos = nil) then begin SetLength(Coeficientes,Col); Sum:= TStringList.Create; MatrixDatos:= TStringList.Create; MatrixA:= TStringList.Create; MatrixB:= TStringList.Create; MatrixC:= TStringList.Create; for i:=0 to 3 do case i of 0: with Sum do for k:=0 to Row-1 do Add('0'); 1: with MatrixDatos do for j:=0 to Col-1 do begin Add(IntToStr(j)); Objects[j]:= TStringList.Create; for k:=0 to Row-1 do TStrings(Objects[j]).Add('0'); end; 2: with MatrixA do for j:=0 to Col-1 do begin Add(IntToStr(j)); Objects[j]:= TStringList.Create; for k:=0 to Col-1 do TStrings(Objects[j]).Add('0'); end; 3: with MatrixB do for k:=0 to Col-1 do Add('0'); end; end; Calcular(S); end; function TRegMult.Calcular(Const S: TStrings): string; var i,j,k: longword; begin RSuma:=nil; SetLength(RSuma,Col); for i:=0 to Col-1 do begin for j:=0 to Col-1 do for k:=0 to Row-1 do with MatrixDatos do if (i = 0) then TStrings(Objects[j])[k]:=TStrings(S.Objects[j])[k] else TStrings(Objects[j])[k]:=FloatToStr(StrToFloat(TStrings(S.Objects[i-1])[k])*StrToFloat(TStrings(S.Objects[j])[k])); Suma(MatrixDatos,Col); with MatrixA do for j:=0 to Col-1 do begin if (j = Col-1) then if (i = 0) then TStrings(Objects[i])[j]:=IntToStr(TStrings(S.Objects[0]).Count) else TStrings(Objects[i])[j]:=TStrings(Objects[0])[i-1] else TStrings(Objects[i])[j]:=Rsuma[j]; end; MatrixB[i]:=RSuma[Col-1]; end; MatrixC.Clear; MatrixC.AddStrings(MatrixB); Resolver(MatrixA,MatrixB); with MatrixDatos do for k:=0 to Row-1 do TStrings(Objects[0])[k]:=FloatToStr(Sqr(StrToFloat(TStrings(S.Objects[Col-1])[k]))); Suma(MatrixDatos,1); CoeficienteD:=0; for i:=0 to Col-1 do if (i = Col-1) then CoeficienteD:=CoeficienteD+StrToFloat(MatrixC[0])*StrToFloat(Coeficientes[i]) else CoeficienteD:=CoeficienteD+StrToFloat(MatrixC[i+1])*StrToFloat(Coeficientes[i]); CoeficienteD:=(CoeficienteD-Row*Sqr(StrToFloat(MatrixC[0])/Row))/(StrToFloat(RSuma[0])-Row*Sqr(StrToFloat(MatrixC[0])/Row)); end; procedure TRegMult.Suma(Const S: TStrings; Const Colm: longword); var i,j: longword; begin with S do for i:=0 to Colm-1 do begin Sum[0]:=TStrings(Objects[i])[0]; for j:=1 to Row-1 do Sum[j]:=FloatToStr(StrToFloat(Sum[j-1])+StrToFloat(TStrings(Objects[i])[j])); RSuma[i]:=Sum[Row-1]; end; end; procedure TRegMult.Resolver(Const M1,M2: TStrings); var Susum,Piv,Pibig,Pidum,Pitem,Am: string; i,i1,i2,j,Elx,Elj,Pij: longword; begin for i1:=1 to Col-1 do begin Elx:=i1; Elj:=i1-1; Pij:=i1-1; Pibig:=FloatToStr(Abs(StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[i1-1])[i1-1]))); for i:=Elx to Col do begin Am:=FloatToStr(Abs(StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[i-1])[i1-1]))); if (StrToFloat(Am)StrToFloat(Pibig)) then begin Pibig:=Am; Pij:=i-1; end; end; for j:=Elj to Col-1 do begin Pidum:=TStrings(M1.Objects[Pij])[j]; TStrings(M1.Objects[Pij])[j]:=TStrings(M1.Objects[i1-1])[j]; TStrings(M1.Objects[i1-1])[j]:=Pidum; end; Pitem:=M2[Pij]; M2[Pij]:=M2[i1-1]; M2[i1-1]:=Pitem; for i2:=Elx to Col-1 do if (StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[i2])[Elj])0) then begin Piv:=FloatToStr(StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[i2])[i1-1])/StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[i1-1])[i1-1])); for j:=Elj to Col-1 do TStrings(M1.Objects[i2])[j]:=FloatToStr(StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[i2])[j])-StrToFloat(Piv)*StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[i1-1])[j])); M2[i2]:=FloatToStr(StrToFloat(M2[i2])-StrToFloat(Piv)*StrToFloat(M2[i1-1])); end; end; Coeficientes[Col-1]:=FloatToStr(StrToFloat(M2[Col-1])/StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[Col-1])[Col-1])); for i:=1 to Col-1 do begin Susum:='0'; i1:=Col-i-1; i2:=i1+1; for j:=i2 to Col-1 do Susum:=FloatToStr(StrToFloat(Susum)+StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[i1])[j])*StrToFloat(Coeficientes[j])); Coeficientes[i1]:=FloatToStr((StrToFloat(M2[i1])-StrToFloat(Susum))/StrToFloat(TStrings(M1.Objects[i1])[i1])); end; end; end.