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Categories / Delphi / Algorithm Math

Calculate the value of a polynomial at a given point

Title: calculate the value of a polynomial at a given point? // Simultaneous evaluation of a given polynomial and its first derivative at a given point // Simultane Berechnung des Wertes eines Polynoms n-ten Grades und seiner Ableitung type TPolynomArray = array of Double; procedure Horner(Polynom: TPolynomArray; X: Extended; var FX, derivation: Extended); var i: Integer; H: Integer; begin H := High(Polynom); FX := Polynom[H]; derivation := 0.0; for i := H - 1 downto 0 do begin derivation := derivation * X + FX; FX := FX * X + Polynom[i]; end; end; {Beispiel / Sample code } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var X, FX, derivation: Extended; begin (* Horner's scheme give an algorithm for the simultaneous evaluation of a given polynomial and its first derivative at a given point *) (* Hornerschema zur Berechnung eines Polynoms n-ten Grades an einem bestimmten Punkt *) (* f(x) = 3 x^5 + 4 x^4 + 13 x^3 - 59 x^2 + 19 x - 97 *) X := 2.5; Horner(VarArrayOf([-97, 19, - 59, 13, 4, 3]), X, FX, derivation); ShowMessage(Format('x = %n'#13#10'f(x) = %n'#13#10'f''(x) = %n', [X, FX, derivation])); end;