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A very simple XOR encrypting routine (for beginners)

Title: A very simple XOR encrypting routine (for beginners) Question: With RandSeed variable, you can use Random to create a cryptography routine with unique 32-Bit key to decrypt... Answer: A simple unit to easily use criptography... (********************************************************************* How to use: var s: string; begin s := 'Carlos Alberto Longen'; s := Crypt(s,12345); ShowMessage(Format('Ciphered: %s', [s])); ShowMessage(Format('Deciphered: %s', [decrypt(s,12345)])); *********************************************************************) unit untCrypt; interface // ciphers the string "strText" with 32-bit "code" "intCode" function Crypt(const strText: string; const intKey: longint): string; // deciphers the string "strText" with 32-bit "code" "intCode" function Decrypt(const strText: string; const intKey: longint): string; const // "default key" - select a "standard" for you... intDefKey = -967283; implementation // ciphers the string "strText" with 32-bit "code" "intCode" function Crypt(const strText: string; const intKey: longint): string; var i: integer; strResult: string; begin // initialize result strResult := strText; // sync RandSeed key to generate Random chars RandSeed := intKey; // cipher for i := 1 to Length(strText) do strResult[i] := Chr(Ord(strResult[i]) xor Random(255)); // set results Crypt := strResult; end; // deciphers the string "strText" with 32-bit "code" "intCode" function Decrypt(const strText: string; const intKey: longint): string; begin // deciphers the string Decrypt := Crypt(strText, intKey); end; end.