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Categories / Delphi / Algorithm Math

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{Convert Hex to Decimal} RadixStr('FF', 16, lpBuffer, 10, Code); //Should return the string '255' in lpbuffer^. {Convert Decimal to Binary} RadixStr('255', 10, lpBuffer, 2, Code); //Should return the string '11111111' in lpbuffer^. {Convert Hex to Octal} RadixStr('FF', 16, lpBuffer, 8, Code); //Should return the string '377' in lpbuffer^. {Function code} procedure RadixStr(NumStr : pChar; Radix : LongInt; ResultStr : pChar; NewRadix : LongInt; var ErrorCode : LongInt); var RadixChar : array[0..35] of Char; v : LongInt; i : LongInt; p : LongInt; c : Integer; begin if ((Abs(Radix) < 2) or (Abs(Radix) > 36)) then begin ErrorCode := p; Exit; end; StrLCopy(ResultStr, NumStr, StrLen(NumStr)); for i := 0 to 35 do begin if i <= 9 then RadixChar[i] := Char(48 + (i)) else RadixChar[i] := Char(64 + (i - 9)) end; v := 0; for i := 0 to (StrLen(ResultStr) - 1) do begin ResultStr[i] := UpCase(ResultStr[i]); p := Pos(ResultStr[i], PChar(@RadixChar)) - 1; if ((p < 0) or (p >= Abs(Radix))) then begin ErrorCode := i; Exit; end; v := v * Abs(Radix) + p; end; if v = 0 then begin ResultStr := '0'; ErrorCode := 0; exit; end else begin i:=0; repeat ResultStr[i] := RadixChar[v mod NewRadix]; v := v div NewRadix; Inc(i) until v = 0; if Radix < 0 then begin ResultStr[i] := '-'; ResultStr[i + 1] := #0 end else ResultStr[i] := #0; p := StrLen(ResultStr); for i := 0 to ((p div 2) - 1) do begin ResultStr[i] := Char(Byte(ResultStr[i]) xor Byte(ResultStr[(p - i) - 1])); ResultStr[(p - i) - 1] := Char(Byte(ResultStr[(p - i) - 1]) xor Byte(ResultStr[i])); ResultStr[i] := Char(Byte(ResultStr[i]) xor Byte(ResultStr[(p - i) - 1])) end; ResultStr[p] := #0; ErrorCode := 0; end; end;