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Categories / Delphi / ADO Database

Unable to use ide tools to access and-or update tables in informix database

Question: I am unable to access my Informix database via most of the IDE database tools (e.g. JDBC Explorer, SQL Builder, and Browse Table funtionality is lost) Answer: It appears that with older Informix JDBC drivers (problem reported against 1.22.JC1 specifically), there is a communication breakdown that causes an invalid schema name, "informix", to be returned on the table. As most of the IDE database tools rely on the schema name when internally querying the table, this results in poor behavior: 1) one will experience errors of the type: "the specified table (informix.) is not in the database" when attempting to open the table via JDBC Explorer's "Data" page 2) the table will appear to have no columns defined when inspecting via the "browse tables" dialog or the database tree in the left-hand pane of the JDBC Explorer Note that queries can still be performed successfully either via code or via the "Enter SQL" page of JDBC Explorer. The workaround for this problem is to update your JDBC driver to the latest available from the vendor. Visit the download area of Informix's website (, or go directly to for more information on the latest JDBC drivers for Informix.