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Towards a more accurate sort order in MSSQL7

Title: Towards a more accurate sort order in MSSQL7 Question: Sorting Addresses is a pain at the best of times, especially when a client supplies bad data (You may define clear fields in your DB, but when the data comes in, does it fit easily??) This attempts to resolve this issue for MSSQL Server This is a T-SQL version of article 2982 Answer: Wherever you keep the addresses, add a field SortOrder (real) Whenever the Address changes, update the new value using this stored procedure to calculate the value. Using the server to do the work will cut out network traffic, etc. It can be called to update using something like this. --- DECLARE @Addr varchar(100),@SortIndex real SET @Addr=(SELECT ISNULL(Addr1+' ','')+ISNULL(Addr2+' ','')+ISNULL(Addr3+' ','')+ISNULL(Addr4+' ','')+ISNULL(Addr5+' ','')+ISNULL(PCode,'') FROM Main WHERE ID=@Main_ID) EXEC spCalcSortIndex @Addr,@Index=@SortIndex OUTPUT UPDATE Main SET SortIndex=@SortIndex WHERE ID=@Main_ID --- Here is the Complete Stored Procedure to copy and paste in: --- Create Procedure "spCalcSortIndex" @NumStr varchar(100)='',@Index real OUTPUT AS /*This will return a sort index based on the @NumStr passed Call as: DECLARE @Value_I_Want real EXEC spCalcSortIndex (SELECT AddressFields FROM Addresses WHERE ID=x),@Index=@Value_I_Want OUTPUT*/ DECLARE @strlen int,@i int,@j int DECLARE @found bit DECLARE @numpart real,@strpart real, @divisor real DECLARE @ChoppedStr varchar(100) SET @strlen=LEN(@NumStr) IF @strlen=0 BEGIN SET @Index=0 RETURN END /*Split the string into a 'number' and a 'string' part*/ /*Initialise*/ SELECT @found=0, @ChoppedStr=@NumStr,@numpart=0,@i=1 /*Locate the first digit*/ WHILE @i BEGIN IF SUBSTRING(@NumStr,@i,1) IN ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9') BEGIN SET @found=1 BREAK END SET @i=@i+1 END IF @found=1 BEGIN /*now get the remaining digits*/ SELECT @found=0,@j=@i WHILE @j BEGIN IF SUBSTRING(@NumStr,@j,1) NOT IN ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9') BEGIN SET @found=1 BREAK END SET @j=@j+1 END /*Separate out the string parts*/ IF @found=1 BEGIN /*Number was embedded..*/ SELECT @numpart=CONVERT(real,SUBSTRING(@NumStr,@i,@j-@i)), @ChoppedStr=LEFT(@Numstr,@i-1)+RIGHT(@NumStr,@strlen-@j+1) END ELSE BEGIN /*Number went to the end of the string*/ SELECT @numpart=CONVERT(real,SUBSTRING(@NumStr,@i,@strlen)), @ChoppedStr=LEFT(@Numstr,@i-1) END END SET @Choppedstr=UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(@ChoppedStr))) SET @strlen=LEN(@ChoppedStr) /*Evaluate a Number for the remaining part of the string*/ SELECT @strpart=0,@divisor=1,@i=1 WHILE @i BEGIN SET @divisor=@divisor/256 SET @strpart=@strpart+(ASCII(SUBSTRING(@ChoppedStr,@i,1))*@divisor) SET @i=@i+1 END /*All done, return the value*/ SET @Index=@numpart+@strpart ---