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TIBtable dosnt use descending indices work around

Title: TIBtable dosn't use descending indices : work around Question: Having a TIBtable with a descending index in indexname property , the tIBtable dosn't sort recordes in descennding order ? Answer: TIbtable dosn't recognize descending indexes : Work around We have a Table named Articles whith a field named Code and we have created a descending index in this field named CODED we want to use a TIBtable to get data from 'articles' table sorted by code descending we must set indexname property to 'CODED' we do this but the table when opened sort records by code ascending so we show the indexdefs property collection 'CODED' indexdef already exists but ixDescending doesn't appear in options. In order to update indexdefs list TIBtable uses the protected methed UpdateIndexDefs but the implementation of this method is wrong /****************************************************/ procedure TIBTable.UpdateIndexDefs; var Opts: TIndexOptions; Flds: string; Query, SubQuery: TIBSQL; begin if not (csReading in ComponentState) then begin if not Active and not FSwitchingIndex then FieldDefs.Update; IndexDefs.Clear; Database.InternalTransaction.StartTransaction; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try FPrimaryIndexFields := ''; Query.GoToFirstRecordOnExecute := False; Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Select I.RDB$INDEX_NAME, I.RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG, I.RDB$INDEX_TYPE, ' + {do not localize} 'I.RDB$SEGMENT_COUNT, S.RDB$FIELD_NAME from RDB$INDICES I, ' + {do not localize} 'RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS S where I.RDB$INDEX_NAME = S.RDB$INDEX_NAME '+ {do not localize} 'and I.RDB$RELATION_NAME = ' + '''' + {do not localize} FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ''''; Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; while (not Query.EOF) and (Query.Next nil) do begin with IndexDefs.AddIndexDef do begin Name := TrimRight(Query.Current.ByName('RDB$INDEX_NAME').AsString); {do not localize} Opts := []; if Pos ('RDB$PRIMARY', Name) = 1 then Include(Opts, ixPrimary); {do not localize} {mbcs ok} if Query.Current.ByName('RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG').AsInteger = 1 then Include(Opts, ixUnique); {do not localize} if Query.Current.ByName('RDB$INDEX_TYPE').AsInteger = 2 then Include(Opts, ixDescending); {do not localize} Options := Opts; if (Query.Current.ByName('RDB$SEGMENT_COUNT').AsInteger = 1) then {do not localize} Fields := Trim(Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_NAME').AsString) {do not localize} else begin SubQuery := TIBSQL.Create(self); try SubQuery.GoToFirstRecordOnExecute := False; SubQuery.Database := DataBase; SubQuery.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; SubQuery.SQL.Text := 'Select RDB$FIELD_NAME from RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS where RDB$INDEX_NAME = ' + {do not localize} '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, Name) + '''' + 'ORDER BY RDB$FIELD_POSITION'; {do not localize} SubQuery.Prepare; SubQuery.ExecQuery; Flds := ''; while (not SubQuery.EOF) and (SubQuery.Next nil) do begin if (Flds = '') then Flds := TrimRight(SubQuery.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_NAME').AsString) {do not localize} else begin Query.Next; Flds := Flds + ';' + TrimRight(SubQuery.Current[0].AsString); end; end; Fields := Flds; finally SubQuery.Free; end; end; if (ixDescending in Opts) then DescFields := Fields; if ixPrimary in Opts then FPrimaryIndexFields := Fields; end; end; finally Query.Free; Database.InternalTransaction.Commit; end; end; end; /*******************************************************/ to include the ixDesending in options of indexdef IBX test if'RDB$INDEX_TYPE'=2: if Query.Current.ByName('RDB$INDEX_TYPE').AsInteger = 2 then Include(Opts, ixDescending); {do not localize} but the correct value is 'RDB$INDEX_TYPE'=1 so we must change the line in IBTable.pas to : if Query.Current.ByName('RDB$INDEX_TYPE').AsInteger = 1 then Include(Opts, ixDescending); {do not localize} and recompile VCLIB50.dpk , after this the ixDescending appear in options but the table already dosn t sort records in descending order , the second problem is that IBX generates a query to retreive data fo the TIBtable by using a private method GenerateSQL in TIBTable.pas /**************************************************/ procedure TIBTable.GenerateSQL; var i: Integer; SQL: TStrings; OrderByStr: string; bWhereClausePresent: Boolean; begin bWhereClausePresent := False; Database.CheckActive; Transaction.CheckInTransaction; if IndexDefs.Updated = False then IndexDefs.Update; if IndexFieldNames '' then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(IndexFieldNames) else if IndexName '' then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(IndexDefs[IndexDefs.Indexof (IndexName)].Fields) else if FDefaultIndex and (FPrimaryIndexFields '') then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(FPrimaryIndexFields); SQL := TStringList.Create; SQL.Text := 'select ' + {do not localize} FormatIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName) + '.*, ' + 'RDB$DB_KEY as IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY from ' {do not localize} + FormatIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName); if Filtered and (Filter '') then begin SQL.Text := SQL.Text + ' where ' + Filter; {do not localize} bWhereClausePresent := True; end; if (MasterSource nil) and (MasterSource.DataSet nil) and (MasterFields '') then begin if bWhereClausePresent then SQL.Text := SQL.Text + ' AND ' {do not localize} else SQL.Text := SQL.Text + ' WHERE '; {do not localize} ExtractLinkfields; if FDetailFieldsList.Count IBError(ibxeUnknownError, [nil]); for i := 0 to FMasterFieldsList.Count - 1 do begin if i 0 then SQL.Text := SQL.Text + 'AND '; SQL.Text := SQL.Text + FormatIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FDetailFieldsList.Strings[i]) + ' = :' + FormatIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FMasterFieldsList.Strings[i]); end; end; if OrderByStr '' then SQL.Text := SQL.Text + ' order by ' + OrderByStr; {do not localize} SelectSQL.Assign(SQL); RefreshSQL.Text := 'select ' + {do not localize} FormatIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName) + '.*, ' + 'RDB$DB_KEY as IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY from ' {do not localize} + FormatIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' where RDB$DB_KEY = :IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY'; {do not localize} WhereDBKeyRefreshSQL.Assign(RefreshSQL); InternalPrepare; SQL.Free; end; /******************************************************/ To use Index or IndexFieldnames property of TIBtable the method constructs an order by string : OrderByStr if IndexFieldNames '' then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(IndexFieldNames) else if IndexName '' then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(IndexDefs[IndexDefs.Indexof (IndexName)].Fields) else if FDefaultIndex and (FPrimaryIndexFields '') then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(FPrimaryIndexFields); Suppose that whe have a table "Articles" having A Column named Code and a descending index coded and we set indexname property to CODED IBX will generate an orderByStr = 'CODE' so the result dosnt use the descending index because FormatFieldsList function deosnt any thing than replacing ';' in indexfieldnames by ',' so to have the descending index working we change the line if IndexName '' then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(IndexDefs[IndexDefs.Indexof (IndexName)].Fields) To if IndexName '' then begin OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(IndexDefs[IndexDefs.Indexof (IndexName)].Fields) if ixDescending in IndexDefs[IndexDefs.Indexof (IndexName)].Options then OrderByStr := OrderByStr + ' Desc '; end We recompile DCLIB50.dpk and it work so if you indicate a descending index for a TIBtable it will sort records in descending order.