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SQL Super INSERTUPDATE Macro Class (Updated)

Title: SQL Super INSERT/UPDATE Macro Class (Updated) Question: Ever got tired of dynamically generating SQL insert and update statements ?. Lots of virtually unreadable constructs such as things like .. (assume Data1:string Data2: integer Data3:TdateTime) SqlCmd := 'insert into MyTable (Field1,Field2,Field2) values (' + QuotedStr(Data1) + ',' + IntToStr(Data2) + ',' + 'to_date(' + QuotedStr(FormatdateTime('dd/mm/yyyy',Data3)) + ',' + QuotedStr('dd/mm/yyyy') + '))'; {Horrible! and it gets worse as the column count gets higher} This Class takes all the sweat out of this. The documentation is in the Answer field as it errors if this field is too long when you post an article. Answer: unit MahSql; // =========================================================================== // Mike Heydon Sep 2002 // SQL programming aids // There must be an open TDatabase connection // =========================================================================== interface uses Forms, StdCtrls, SysUtils, Dialogs, DBTables, Controls, DateUtils, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, Variants; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION This unit takes the hassle out of ad-hoc SQL queries. A single TQuery is created that handles ALL the SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE and DELETE operations. FEATURES : Support for ORACLE and MS-SQL (DateTimes are handled differently by these systems) Would be grateful if anyone has Informix or DB2 that can add functionality for these systems. DebugMode which display the errant SQL statement and allows modification to correct it. The modified code can be cut to clipboard and is automatically saved to file LastSqlErr.sql on closing debug window. Automatic error message dialogs or user handled errors via property LastErrorMess and LastSqlCommand. Single value returns implemented AsString,AsInteger etc. INSERT,UPDATE and DELETE super macro methods. BASIC BUILDING PRIMITIVE FUNCTIONS : There are a few primitive functions that are used by the Class, but are user callable if required. function SqlDateToStr(const Dte : TDateTime) : string; function StrToSqlDate(const DateStr : string) : TDateTime; These functions are used to convert MS-SQL DateTimes to String and TDateTime. MS-SQL DateTimes are in format 'dd-MMM-yyyy hh:nn:ss.zzz' function sqlStr(...) : string; This function is a super set of Borlands QuotedStr(). It has many overloads allowing the conversion of all required datatypes to a SQL string. Str quotes and trailing commas are handled (with comma being TRUE by default). One interesting oveload is an argument of "array of variant" which allows you to specify an array of differing types to be converted to a SQL string list. Examples: sqlStr('Harry'); // Returns 'Harry', (Quotes are inculded) sqlStr(345.55); // Returns 345.55, (No Quotes) sqlStr(['GTR',8,Now]); // 'GTR',8,'23-Oct-2002 13:44:23.000' CLASS CONSTRUCTOR Create(const DatabaseName : string; DatabaseSystemType : TSQLSystem); // Used to create an instance of the object. // eg. // var MySql : TSQLCommand; // MySql := TSQLCommand.Create(MyDb.DatabaseName,sysOracle); // or MySql := TSQLCommand.Create('HELPDESK',sysOracle) // DatabaseName is the DatabaseName of an open TDatabase Connection CLASS PROPERTIES : SqlQuery : TQuery // Not normally used but can be set as a // TDatasource DataSet property for TDBGrids etc. LastErrorMess : string // Last Error message of a failed SQL statement LastSQLCommand : string // Last SQL statement of failed SQL AutoErrorMessage : boolean // Auto display Error Dialogs [Yes/No] DebugMode : boolean // Pops up Errant SQL statement and allows mods TerminateOnError : boolean // Terminate app is SQL staement error [Yes/No] DatabaseName : string // Set by constructor Create(), but can be // changed at runtime DatabaseSystem : TSQLSystem // Set by constructor Create(), but can be // Changed at run time CLASS METHODS : MISCELLANEOUS SystemTime : TDateTime // Returns System DateTime of the Database (System independent) SystemUser : string // Returns Logged in Username of the Database (System independent) SINGLE VALUE SELECT RETURNS These function methods are designed to return a single value from a SQL query, such as AsString('select name from emp where id = 990') All the below methods have an alternate overloaded version that takes a select string + array of const formatting options. eg. AsString('select name from emp where id = %d',[990]) See Borlands Format() function for more info. AsString(const SQLStatement : string) : string AsInteger(const SQLStatement : string) : integer AsFloat(const SQLStatement : string) : double AsDateTime(const SQLStatement : string) : TDateTime FREE FORM USER COMMANDS These methods allow for ad-hoc user SQL constructs. The property SqlQury may be used with the commands after Open for Fields retieval or display in a TDBGrid by setting a TDataSource Dataset property to SqlQuery. Once again FreeFormOpen and Exec have an alternate overloaded option of select string + array of const formatting options. FreeFormOpen(const SQLStatement : string) : boolean // Used to open a user ad-hoc query FreeFormClose // Used to close the ad-hoc query as opened by FreeFormOpen Exec(const SQLStatement : string) : boolean // Used for non cursor queries such as UPDATE etc. DBMS MACRO COMMANDS These commands take the sting out of SQL inserts and updates. The Column names are supplied as an array of strings. The update/insert values are specified in an array of variant. Specify tablename and where clause if required and the method will correctly format the SQL statement for the relevant system and execute it. Insert(ColNames : array of string; Values : array of variant; const TableName : string) : boolean Update(ColNames : array of string; Values : array of variant; const WhereClause : string; const TableName : string) : boolean Delete(const WhereClause : string; const TableName : string) : boolean // Not that clever - here for completeness // can also be achieved via // Exec('delete from emp where id = 99') SIMPLIFIED EXAMPLE OF USE : procedure MyUpdates; var Name : string; SQL : TSQLCommand; ID : integer; begin SQL := TSQL.Command.Create('MYBASE',sysOracle); SQL.DebugMode := true; Label1.Caption := SQL.SystemUser; Label2.Caption := SQL.SystemTime; ID := SQL.AsInteger('select ID from EMP where TAXNUM = 345'); Name := SQL.AsString('select NAME from EMP where ID = %d',[ID]); SQL.Insert(['NAME','TAXDATE','ID','FLAG'], [Name,Now,ID,0],'NEWTAXTAB'); SQL.Update(['TAXDATE','FLAG'], [Now,5], 'NAME = ' + sqlStr(Name,false),OLDTAXTAB); SQL.Delete('FLAG = 99','ARCTAXTAB'); SQL.FreeFormOpen('select * from EMP); Label3.Caption := SQL.SqlQuery.Fields[0].AsString; MyDataSource.DataSet := SQL.SqlQuery; ... ... SQL.FreeFormClose; SQL.Free; end; Of course the return values of the inserts etc should be checked for TRUE and FALSE, but as stated it is a simplified example for clarity. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) type TSQLSystem = (sysOracle,sysMsSql); // Informix,DB2 users help // appreciated here. {TSQLCOMMAND CLASS} TSQLCommand = class(TObject) protected procedure ShowDebug; function OpenQuery(const Command : string; CheckNull : boolean = true) : boolean; virtual; function ExecQuery(const Command : string) : boolean; virtual; function ExecFunc(const Func : string) : string; private Memo : TMemo; Form : TForm; Status : TStatusBar; Panel : TPanel; btnRetry, btnClose : TBitBtn; FDatabaseSystem : TSQLSystem; FDebugID : char; FTerminateOnError, FDebugMode, FAutoErrorMessage : boolean; FLastSQLCommand, FLastErrorMess : string; Query : TQuery; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure RetryClick(Sender : TObject); procedure SetDatabaseName(const NewValue : string); function GetDatabaseName : string; public constructor Create(const DatabaseName : string; DatabaseSystemType : TSQLSystem); destructor Destroy; override; // Misc functions function SystemTime : TDateTime; function SystemUser : string; // Value returns calls - Always takes field[0] regardles of select cmd // Optional overload with formating eg. // AsString('select * from tab1 where N=%s and D=%d,['Fred',99]); function AsString(const SQLStatement : string) : string; overload; function AsString(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : string; overload; function AsInteger(const SQLStatement : string) : integer; overload; function AsInteger(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : integer; overload; function AsFloat(const SQLStatement : string) : double; overload; function AsFloat(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : double; overload; function AsDateTime(const SQLStatement : string) : TDateTime; overload; function AsDateTime(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : TDateTime; overload; // Free Form function FreeFormOpen(const SQLStatement : string) : boolean; overload; function FreeFormOpen(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : boolean; overload; procedure FreeFormClose; function Exec(const SQLStatement : string) : boolean; overload; function Exec(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : boolean; overload; // DBMS Inserts and Updates function Insert(ColNames : array of string; Values : array of variant; const TableName : string) : boolean; function Update(ColNames : array of string; Values : array of variant; const WhereClause : string; const TableName : string) : boolean; function Delete(const WhereClause : string; const TableName : string) : boolean; // Properties property SqlQuery : TQuery read Query; property LastErrorMess : string read FLastErrorMess; property LastSQLCommand : string read FLastSQLCommand; property AutoErrorMessage : boolean read FAutoErrorMessage write FAutoErrorMessage; property DebugMode : boolean read FDebugMode write FDebugMode; property TerminateOnError : boolean read FTerminateOnError write FTerminateOnError; property DatabaseName : string read GetDatabaseName write SetDatabaseName; property DatabaseSystem : TSQLSystem read FDatabaseSystem write FDatabaseSystem; end; // =================================== // Primitive Class and User Functions // =================================== // Date routines function SqlDateToStr(const Dte : TDateTime) : string; function StrToSqlDate(const DateStr : string) : TDateTime; // Quoted SQL string conversion routines function sqlStr(Values : array of variant; DateTimeType : TSQLSystem = sysOracle) : string; overload; function sqlStr(Dte : TDateTime; DateTimeType : TSQLSystem; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; function sqlStr(Dbl : double; NumDecimals : integer; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; function sqlStr(const St : string; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; function sqlStr(Num : integer; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; function sqlStr(Flt : extended; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; function sqlStr(Flt : extended; NumDecimals : integer; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- implementation const CrLf = #13#10; // Crriage Return / LineFeed pair // ========================= // General Functions // ========================= // ============================================ // Return an MS-SQL date compatable string // ============================================ function SqlDateToStr(const Dte : TDateTime) : string; begin Result := FormatdateTime('dd-MMM-yyyy hh:nn:ss.zzz',Dte); end; // ============================================ // Return an SQL date from string // Format 'dd-MMM-yyyy hh:nn:ss.zzz' // ============================================ function StrToSqlDate(const DateStr : string) : TDateTime; var yyyy,dd,mm,hh,nn,ss,zzz : word; MMM : string; RetVar : TDateTime; begin mm := 0; dd := StrToIntDef(copy(DateStr,1,2),0); MMM := UpperCase(copy(DateStr,4,3)); yyyy := StrToIntDef(copy(DateStr,8,4),0); hh := StrToIntDef(copy(DateStr,13,2),0); nn := StrToIntDef(copy(DateStr,16,2),0); ss := StrToIntDef(copy(DateStr,19,2),0); zzz := StrToIntDef(copy(DateStr,22,3),0); if MMM = 'JAN' then mm := 1 else if MMM = 'FEB' then mm := 2 else if MMM = 'MAR' then mm := 3 else if MMM = 'APR' then mm := 4 else if MMM = 'MAY' then mm := 5 else if MMM = 'JUN' then mm := 6 else if MMM = 'JUL' then mm := 7 else if MMM = 'AUG' then mm := 8 else if MMM = 'SEP' then mm := 9 else if MMM = 'OCT' then mm := 10 else if MMM = 'NOV' then mm := 11 else if MMM = 'DEC' then mm := 12; if not TryEncodeDateTime(yyyy,mm,dd,hh,nn,ss,zzz,Retvar) then RetVar := 0.0; Result := Retvar; end; // ================================================= // SQL string convertors - QuotedStr() Super Set // ================================================= // TDATETIME function sqlStr(Dte : TDateTime; DateTimeType : TSQLSystem; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; var RetVar : string; begin if DateTimeType = sysOracle then RetVar := 'to_date(' + QuotedStr(FormatdateTime('dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss',Dte)) + ',' + QuotedStr('DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') + ')' else RetVar := QuotedStr(SqlDateToStr(Dte)); if AddComma then RetVar := Retvar + ','; Result := RetVar; end; // DOUBLE function sqlStr(Dbl : double; NumDecimals : integer; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; var Retvar : string; begin RetVar := FormatFloat('###########0.' + StringOfChar('0',NumDecimals),Dbl); if AddComma then Retvar := Retvar + ','; Result := RetVar; end; // STRING function sqlStr(const St : string; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; var Retvar : string; begin RetVar := QuotedStr(St); if AddComma then Retvar := RetVar + ','; Result := RetVar; end; // INTEGER function sqlStr(Num : integer; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; var RetVar : string; begin RetVar := IntToStr(Num); if AddComma then RetVar := Retvar + ','; Result := RetVar; end; // EXTENDED function sqlStr(Flt : extended; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; var Retvar : string; begin RetVar := FloatToStr(Flt); if AddComma then Retvar := Retvar + ','; Result := RetVar; end; // EXTENDED WITH PRECICISION function sqlStr(Flt : extended; NumDecimals : integer; AddComma : boolean = true) : string; overload; var Retvar : string; begin RetVar := FormatFloat('###########0.' + StringOfChar('0',NumDecimals),Flt); if AddComma then Retvar := Retvar + ','; Result := RetVar; end; // ARRAY OF VARIANT eg. [0,'Fred',45.44,'Married',Date] function sqlStr(Values : array of variant; DateTimeType : TSQLSystem = sysOracle) : string; var RetVar : string; i : integer; VType : TVarType; begin RetVar := ''; for i := 0 to High(Values) do begin VType := VarType(Values[i]); case VType of varDate : RetVar := RetVar + sqlStr(TDateTime(Values[i]), DateTimeType,false); varInteger, varSmallint, varShortint, varByte, varWord, varLongword, varInt64 : RetVar := RetVar + IntToStr(Values[i]); varSingle, varDouble, varCurrency : RetVar := RetVar + FloatToStr(Values[i]); varStrArg, varOleStr, varString : RetVar := RetVar + QuotedStr(Values[i]); else RetVar := RetVar + '????'; end; RetVar := RetVar + ','; end; Delete(RetVar,length(RetVar),1); Result := Retvar; end; // ============================================================================= // TSQLCommand Class // ============================================================================= // ========================= // Construct & Destroy // ========================= constructor TSQLCommand.Create(const DatabaseName : string; DatabaseSystemType : TSQLSystem ); begin Query := TQuery.Create(nil); Query.DatabaseName := DatabaseName; FLastErrorMess := ''; FLastSQLCommand := ''; FAutoErrorMessage := false; FDebugMode := false; FTerminateOnError := false; FDatabaseSystem := DatabaseSystemType; end; destructor TSQLCommand.Destroy; begin Query.Free; end; // ============================= // Property Get/Set Methods // ============================= procedure TSQLCommand.SetDatabaseName(const NewValue : string); begin Query.Close; Query.DatabaseName := NewValue; end; function TSQLCommand.GetDatabaseName : string; begin Result := Query.DatabaseName; end; // ================================================== // Returns a string value from MS-SQL functions // ================================================== function TSQLCommand.ExecFunc(const Func : string) : string; var Value : string; begin Value := ''; if OpenQuery(Func,false) then begin SetLength(Value,Query.RecordSize + 1); Query.GetCurrentRecord(PChar(Value)); SetLength(Value,StrLen(PChar(Value))); end; Query.Close; Result := Value; end; // ============================================================= // Show and Save Debug Statement if DebugMode = true - INTERNAL // ============================================================= // Save on form close procedure TSQLCommand.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Memo.Lines.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'LastSqlErr.sql'); end; // Retry click procedure TSQLCommand.RetryClick(Sender : TObject); begin Query.SQL.Assign(memo.Lines); try if FDebugID = 'O' then Query.Open else Query.ExecSql; MessageDlg('SQL Command Ran OK',mtInformation,[mbOk],0); except on E : Exception do MessageDlg('SQL Command Failed' + CrLf + CrLf + E.Message,mtError,[mbOk],0); end; end; procedure TSQLCommand.ShowDebug; var FName : string; begin FName := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'LastSqlErr.sql'; Form := TForm.Create(nil); Form.BorderIcons := Form.BorderIcons - [biMinimize]; Status := TStatusBar.Create(Form); Status.Parent := Form; Status.SimplePanel := true; Status.SimpleText := ' ' + FName; Form.Height := 350; Form.Width := 600; Form.Caption := 'SQL Error'; Form.Position := poScreenCenter; Panel := TPanel.Create(Form); Panel.Parent := Form; Panel.Align := alTop; Memo := TMemo.Create(Form); Memo.Parent := Form; Memo.Align := alClient; Memo.Font.Name := 'Courier New'; Memo.Font.Size := 9; Memo.Lines.Assign(Query.SQL); btnClose := TBitBtn.Create(Form); btnClose.Parent := Panel; btnClose.Kind := bkClose; btnClose.Left := Form.Width - 90; btnClose.Top := 8; btnClose.Anchors := [akRight,akBottom]; btnRetry := TBitBtn.Create(Form); btnRetry.Parent := Panel; btnRetry.Kind := bkRetry; btnRetry.Left := 8; btnRetry.Top := 8; btnRetry.ModalResult := mrNone; btnRetry.OnClick := RetryClick; Panel.Align := alBottom; Form.OnClose := FormClose; Form.ShowModal; Form.Free; // Free Form and all components in it end; // =============================================== // Open the Query with error checking - INTERNAL // =============================================== function TSQLCommand.OpenQuery(const Command : string; CheckNull : boolean = true) : boolean; var Retvar, NullValue : boolean; begin FDebugID := 'O'; Retvar := false; Query.Close; FLastSQLCommand := Command; Query.SQL.Text := Command; try Query.Open; if CheckNull then NullValue := Query.EOF or Query.Fields[0].IsNull else NullValue := Query.EOF; if NullValue then begin FLastErrorMess := 'No Records in DataSet'; if FAutoErrorMessage then MessageDlg('Open Query Failed!' + CrLf + CrLf + FLastErrorMess,mtError,[mbOk],0); end else Retvar := true; except on E : Exception do begin FLastErrorMess := E.Message; if FAutoErrorMessage then MessageDlg('Open Query Failed!' + CrLf + CrLf + E.Message,mtError,[mbOk],0); if FDebugMode then ShowDebug; if FTerminateOnError then begin Application.Terminate; Raise Exception.Create(''); end; end; end; Result := Retvar; end; // ================================================ // Exec a query - UPDATE/INSERT etc - INTERNAL // ================================================ function TSQLCommand.ExecQuery(const Command : string) : boolean; var Retvar : boolean; begin FDebugID := 'E'; Retvar := false; Query.Close; FLastSQLCommand := Command; Query.SQL.Text := Command; try Query.ExecSQL; Retvar := true; except on E : Exception do begin FLastErrorMess := E.Message; if FAutoErrorMessage then MessageDlg('Exec Query Failed!' + CrLf + CrLf + E.Message,mtError,[mbOk],0); if FDebugMode then ShowDebug; if FTerminateOnError then begin Application.Terminate; Raise Exception.Create(''); end; end; end; Result := Retvar; end; // ==================================================================== // Single Result sets with alternate overload of string/format array // ==================================================================== // STRING function TSQLCommand.AsString(const SQLStatement : string) : string; var Retvar : string; begin Query.UniDirectional := true; if OpenQuery(SQLStatement) then begin Retvar := Query.Fields[0].AsString; Query.Close; end else Retvar := ''; Result := Retvar; end; function TSQLCommand.AsString(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : string; begin Result := AsString(Format(SQLStatement,FormatArguments)); end; // INTEGER function TSQLCommand.AsInteger(const SQLStatement : string) : integer; var Retvar : integer; begin Query.UniDirectional := true; if OpenQuery(SQLStatement) then begin Retvar := Query.Fields[0].AsInteger; Query.Close; end else Retvar := 0; Result := Retvar; end; function TSQLCommand.AsInteger(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : integer; begin Result := AsInteger(Format(SQLStatement,FormatArguments)); end; // DOUBLE function TSQLCommand.AsFloat(const SQLStatement : string) : double; var Retvar : double; begin Query.UniDirectional := true; if OpenQuery(SQLStatement) then begin Retvar := Query.Fields[0].AsFloat; Query.Close; end else Retvar := 0.0; Result := Retvar; end; function TSQLCommand.AsFloat(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : double; begin Result := AsFloat(Format(SQLStatement,FormatArguments)); end; // TDATETIME function TSQLCommand.AsDateTime(const SQLStatement : string) : TDateTime; var Retvar : TDateTime; begin Query.UniDirectional := true; if OpenQuery(SQLStatement) then begin Retvar := Query.Fields[0].AsDateTime; Query.Close; end else Retvar := 0.0; Result := Retvar; end; function TSQLCommand.AsDateTime(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : TDateTime; begin Result := AsDateTime(Format(SQLStatement,FormatArguments)); end; // ==================================================== // Easy way to open and close free form statements // ==================================================== function TSQLCommand.FreeFormOpen(const SQLStatement : string) : boolean; begin Query.UniDirectional := false; Result := OpenQuery(SQLStatement,false); end; function TSQLCommand.FreeFormOpen(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : boolean; begin Query.UniDirectional := false; Result := OpenQuery(Format(SQLStatement,FormatArguments),false); end; // CLOSE SQL procedure TSQLCommand.FreeFormClose; begin Query.Close; end; // EXEC SQL function TSQLCommand.Exec(const SQLStatement : string) : boolean; begin Result := ExecQuery(SQLStatement); end; function TSQLCommand.Exec(const SQLStatement : string; FormatArguments : array of const) : boolean; begin Result := ExecQuery(Format(SQLStatement,FormatArguments)); end; // ================================ // Inset/Update & Delete Commands // ================================ // DBMS INSERT function TSQLCommand.Insert(ColNames : array of string; Values : array of variant; const TableName : string) : boolean; var Cmd : string; VType : TVarType; Retvar : boolean; i : integer; begin Query.UniDirectional := true; if (High(ColNames) = -1) or (High(Values) = -1) or (High(ColNames) High(Values)) then begin FLastErrorMess := 'Insert Statement ColNames()/Values() Mismatched'; if FAutoErrorMessage then MessageDlg('Insert Failed!' + CrLf + CrLf + FLastErrorMess, mtError,[mbOk],0); Retvar := false; end else begin Cmd := 'insert into ' + TableName + CrLf + '(' + ColNames[0]; for i := 1 to High(ColNames) do Cmd := Cmd + ',' + ColNames[i]; Cmd := Cmd + ')' + CrLf; Cmd := Cmd + 'values ('; for i := 0 to High(Values) do begin VType := VarType(Values[i]); case VType of varDate : Cmd := Cmd + sqlStr(TDateTime(Values[i]), FDatabaseSystem,false); varInteger, varSmallint, varShortint, varByte, varWord, varLongword, varInt64 : Cmd := Cmd + IntToStr(Values[i]); varSingle, varDouble, varCurrency : Cmd := Cmd + FloatToStr(Values[i]); varStrArg, varOleStr, varString : Cmd := Cmd + QuotedStr(Values[i]); else Cmd := Cmd + '????'; end; Cmd := Cmd + ','; end; System.Delete(Cmd,length(Cmd),1); Cmd := Cmd + ')'; Retvar := ExecQuery(Cmd); end; Result := RetVar; end; // DBMS UPDATE function TSQLCommand.Update(ColNames : array of string; Values : array of variant; const WhereClause : string; const TableName : string) : boolean; var Cmd,Parm : string; VType : TVarType; Retvar : boolean; i : integer; begin Query.UniDirectional := true; if (High(ColNames) = -1) or (High(Values) = -1) or (High(ColNames) High(Values)) then begin FLastErrorMess := 'Update Statement ColNames()/Values() Mismatched'; if FAutoErrorMessage then MessageDlg('Update Failed!' + CrLf + CrLf + FLastErrorMess, mtError,[mbOk],0); Retvar := false; end else begin Cmd := 'update ' + TableName + ' set' + CrLf; for i := 0 to High(Values) do begin VType := VarType(Values[i]); case VType of varDate : Parm := sqlStr(TDateTime(Values[i]), FDatabaseSystem,false); varInteger, varSmallint, varShortint, varByte, varWord, varLongword, varInt64 : Parm := IntToStr(Values[i]); varSingle, varDouble, varCurrency : Parm := FloatToStr(Values[i]); varStrArg, varOleStr, varString : Parm := QuotedStr(Values[i]); else Parm := '????'; end; Cmd := Cmd + ColNames[i] + '=' + Parm + ','; end; System.Delete(Cmd,length(Cmd),1); Cmd := Cmd + CrLf + 'where ' + WhereClause; Retvar := ExecQuery(Cmd); end; Result := RetVar; end; // DBMS DELETE function TSQLCommand.Delete(const WhereClause : string; const TableName : string) : boolean; var Cmd : string; begin Query.UniDirectional := true; Cmd := 'delete from ' + TableName + ' where ' + WhereClause; Result := ExecQuery(Cmd); end; // ============================ // Get the system date/time // ============================ function TSQLCommand.SystemTime : TDateTime; var Retvar : TDateTime; begin Retvar := 0.0; Query.UniDirectional := true; if FDatabaseSystem = sysOracle then begin if OpenQuery('select sysdate from dual') then Retvar := Query.Fields[0].AsDateTime; end else begin if OpenQuery('select getdate()') then Retvar := Query.Fields[0].AsDateTime; end; Query.Close; Result := Retvar; end; // ============================ // Get the system user name // ============================ function TSQLCommand.SystemUser : string; var Retvar : string; begin Retvar := ''; Query.UniDirectional := true; if FDatabaseSystem = sysOracle then begin if OpenQuery('select user from dual') then Retvar := Query.Fields[0].AsString; end else begin Retvar := ExecFunc('select system_user'); end; Query.Close; Result := Retvar; end; end.