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Saving and loading binary data tofrom an MSSQL Image (Blob) field

Title: Saving and loading binary data to/from an MSSQL Image (Blob) field. Question: How to get binary data in a workable format into or out of an MSSQL Image (Blob) field using ADO components. Answer: The main problem I faced when trying to do this was to deal with the fact that TField.Value returns a varOleStr no matter what was written into it, so the data needed to be converted into a more usable format. Note that there is no checking here that the TField is in fact of the correct type, and that the stream must be created and free-ed elsewhere manually. Also, additional memory equal to the size of the stream/blob is required, so be cautious if large amounts of data are involved. For ease of use in my own application, I incorporated this functionality into my descendent of TADOQuery. function LoadFromBlob(const AField: TField; const Stream: TStream): boolean; var ResultStr: string; PResultStr: PChar; begin Result := false; if (Assigned(AField)) and (Assigned(Stream)) then begin try ResultStr := AField.Value; PResultStr := PChar(ResultStr); Stream.Write(PResultStr^, Length(ResultStr)); Stream.Seek(0,0); Result := true; except end; end; end; function SaveToBlob(const Stream: TStream; const AField: TField): boolean; var FieldStr: string; PFieldStr: PChar; begin Result := false; if (Assigned(AField)) and (Assigned(Stream)) then begin try Stream.Seek(0,0); SetLength(FieldStr, Stream.Size); PFieldStr := PChar(FieldStr); Stream.Read(PFieldStr^, Stream.Size); AField.Value := FieldStr; Result := true; except end; end; end; ------------------------------------------------------- Examples: If you have an ADO query "qryBlobTest" with the following fields: nFileIcon: Image; nFileData: Image; // Store an icon in an Image field function StoreFileIcon: boolean; var AFileIcon: TIcon; MS: TMemoryStream; begin Result := false; AFileIcon := TIcon.Create; MS := TMemoryStream.Create; try AFileIcon.handle := ExtractAssociatedIcon('c:\temp\Test.doc'); // Pseudocode !! AFileIcon.SaveToStream(MS); Result := SaveToBlob(MS, qryBlobTest.FieldByName('nFileIcon')); finally AFileIcon.Free; MS.Free; end; end; // Load an icon from an Image field function LoadFileIcon: boolean; var AFileIcon: TIcon; MS: TMemoryStream; begin Result := false; AFileIcon := TIcon.Create; MS := TMemoryStream.Create; try if (LoadFromBlob(qryBlobTest.FieldByName('nFileIcon'), MS)) then begin AFileIcon.LoadFromStream(MS); // Do something with the Icon? Result := true; end; finally AFileIcon.Free; MS.Free; end; end; // Save a binary file in an Image field function StoreFileData: boolean; var FS: TFileStream; begin FS := TFileStream.Create('c:\temp\Test.doc', fmOpenRead); Result := SaveToBlob(FS, qryBlobTest.FieldByName('nFileData')); FS.Free; end; // Load a file from an Image field (save it to a file name) function LoadFileData: boolean; var FS: TFileStream; begin FS := TFileStream.Create('c:\temp\Test2.doc', fmCreate); LoadFromBlob(qryBlobTest.FieldByName('nFileData'), FS); FS.Free; end;