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Row number in a DBGrid

Title: Row number in a DBGrid Question: Implementing a different method of getting the line number of a selected row in a DBGrid. Using dataset.RecNo is not the best practice with a master-detail relationships. Answer: This is a different method for getting the line number of a selected row in a DBGrid and the total number of lines using master-detail relationships. The table.recno doesn't respect the order of the items in the detail dataset. So in the AfterScroll event of the master dataset you load a TStringList with the recno property of all the items. Then you can use the index property of that TStringList to search the exact rownumber. The source uses two dataset (master-detail), a dbgrid and two label to put the selected row number and the total row number. ... Database: TDatabase; Details: TTable; Master: TTable; ... nRowLbl: TLabel; totRowsLbl: TLabel; ... procedure LoadRowList(); function getRowNum: integer; function getTotRowsNum: integer; ... var Form1: TForm1; rowList: TStringList; inserting: Boolean; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Master.Open; end; procedure TForm1.MasterBeforeOpen(DataSet: TDataSet); begin rowList:=TStringList.Create; Details.Open; end; procedure TForm1.MasterNewRecord(DataSet: TDataSet); begin rowList.Clear; end; procedure TForm1.DetailsAfterDelete(DataSet: TDataSet); begin //re-load the list LoadRowList; end; procedure TForm1.DetailsAfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet); begin if inserting then rowList.Add(inttostr(Details.RecNo)); inserting:= false; nRowLbl.Caption:=IntToStr(getRowNum); end; function TForm1.getRowNum: integer; var nRiga: integer; begin if (Details.RecordCount=0) then getRowNum:=1 else begin nRiga:=Details.RecNo; if nRiga-1 then getRowNum:=rowList.IndexOf(inttostr(nRiga)) + 1 else getRowNum:=Details.RecordCount + 1; end; end; procedure TForm1.DetailsNewRecord(DataSet: TDataSet); begin DetailsRIG_CODICE.Value := MasterDOC_CODICE.Value; inserting:=true; end; procedure TForm1.DetailsBeforeCancel(DataSet: TDataSet); begin inserting:=false; end; function TForm1.getTotRowsNum: integer; begin if (Details.RecordCount=0) then getTotRowsNum:=1 else if Details.RecNo-1 then getTotRowsNum:=Details.RecordCount else getTotRowsNum:=Details.RecordCount + 1; end; procedure TForm1.MasterAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); begin LoadRowList; nRowLbl.Caption:=IntToStr(getRowNum); totRowsLbl.Caption:=IntToStr(getTotRowsNum); end; procedure TForm1.DetailsAfterScroll(DataSet: TDataSet); begin if not Details.ControlsDisabled then begin nRowLbl.Caption:=IntToStr(getRowNum); totRowsLbl.Caption:=IntToStr(getTotRowsNum); end; end; procedure TForm1.LoadRowList; begin rowList.Clear; Details.DisableControls; //for better performance Details.First; while not Details.Eof do begin rowList.Add(inttostr(Details.RecNo)); Details.Next; end; Details.EnableControls; end;